
Showing posts from September, 2013

Sea worms or strange markings on the rocks - Mangawhai Surf Beach

Bmx tricks on a warm Spring day at Mangawhai Skate park.

Mangawhai Markets - Books Galore for sale!

Stormy sunrise over the subdivision this morning

Surf casters at Te Arai Beach

One many colourful holiday homes here in Mangawhai

Green punga ferns leaning towards the sky - Matakana

Periwinkle Invasion - Mangawhai Surf beach

Colourful mussel shells on the beach after last night's storm

Emirates Team NZ - Saturday Racing!

Incense and rainy days

Caravans at Mangawhai Heads

Mangawhai Estuary this morning - so quiet and peaceful...

While you were at work...

Blue skies trying to shine through after the storm

Overlooking the Kaipara Harbour

Playing the fool at Te Arai Beach

One Mocha Please!

Vote Craig Brown!

Best thing about Spring - Cherry Tomatoes

Winter sunset at Mangawhai Heads surf beach

Palm trees - Wild and Windy in Matakana