Tuesday 28 February 2017

The last days of Summer...

The temperatures are cooled here, we've got more rain - much to my delight. Roll on Autumn!

This quiet scene greeted me this morning while I was out walking - Coronation Park here in Tauranga is sometimes where the Gypsy Fair or Craft Fairs are held.

Linking up with Macro Monday and Our World Tuesday this week :-)

Friday 24 February 2017

Morning skies from Mauao

Lately since my hours at work have been so changeable I've been doing alot of morning walks around Mount Maunganui. This one is from 2 days ago when I was about 3/4 of the way around. Nice isn't it?

More Skywatch Fridays here :-)

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Red Hibiscus are thriving

After the rain we've had these Hibiscus are loving the damp conditions and this one along with many others on a tree I passed while out walking seem to be thriving.

Monday 20 February 2017

Seagulls and Sea eggs

Another walk around the Mount (Mauao) today, so nice to get out in the fresh air and I spotted this gull sitting on a rock drying out after the rain.

And this one that I found on a rock after climbing down onto the beach from the path. It's the remains of a sea egg or as we commonly call it Kina.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday and Macro Monday :-)

Friday 17 February 2017

End of the Summer drought

I'm pleased to say that since yesterday morning it's been raining. NZ has been going through quite a severe drought. Over Summer it was very very dry, grass was brown, people around the country were running out of water, everything needed replenishing. This is the view from the front driveway of our apartment. I can't see Mount Maunganui in the distance because of the rain but it's good to see everything wet.

The new apartments being built next door are coming along, it's a pity they are so close to us but we knew when we first moved in here that they were going to be built.

But at least the geraniums and daisies in my plant pots on the deck are enjoying being fed by the raindrops.

More Skywatch Fridays here :-)

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Pony rides at Mount Drury

Over the school holidays, which were in early January we were on holiday for 2 weeks and over that time we went for walks just about every day. While walking past Mount Drury one hot Summer's day there were quite a few activities set up for the kids, one of which was Pony rides.  It looked very popular.

Linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Wednesday around the World :-)

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Walk around the Mount (Mauao) this morning

Day 1 of being unemployed: this morning after the other half had gone to work I decided to walk around the Mount (Mauao). It's roughly a 3km walk - beautiful views along the way, very popular.

This is what the track is like all the way around - some ups and some downs.

The statue out on the edge of the rocks symbolizes Tangaroa (God of the Sea) along with swimmers in the water nearby.

Can you see this little guy? It's a California Quail - tiny as it is, he was wandering through the native shrubbery with a friend.

I had to stop here and there and take photos of the amazing scenery - this one is of a beacon out on the edge of  some rocks.

Why wouldn't you want to stop and relax with views like this? As you can see everything looks quite dry, the country is in drought mode at the moment so everyone is hoping for some rain.

And funnily enough sheep on the mount pretty much graze where they want - lucky there are gates to keep them in that people need to keep shut.

More Our World Tuesdays here :-)

Saturday 11 February 2017

Last time I will see this view...

Yesterday was my last day at my job, I've been there for just over a year working as a dental assistant for a dentist. The business was sold just before Christmas to a new owner and unfortunately myself and 2 other members of staff were let go. I could look at it negatively, but I've been involved in the dental industry for 5 years now and I think it's time for something new so for me it's a good thing.

Anyway this view is from one of the surgery windows into the front yard and carpark with reflections seen in the windows of the Bay of Plenty Times (local newspaper).

More Weekend Reflections here :-)

Thursday 9 February 2017

Overcast skies from Tauranga Rose Gardens

Yay we finally got some much needed rain! About 4 hours worth of steady droplets so there is dampness in the air and cooler temperatures. This morning on the way to work I stopped in at Tauranga Rose Gardens to try and get some photos of the view over the waterfront here in Tauranga.

See the two figures in orange at the back of the property? Those were two men weeding the gardens - they got an awesome view while they worked.

More Skywatch Fridays here :-)

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Paddling feet in the tide

You know those moments when it's so stinking hot and all you want to do is cool down? We've had many of those lately, Summer has stretched on and on. On Sunday morning it was so nice to just paddle my feet in the incoming tide, at first it was cold but then after a few minutes so refreshing.

More Wednesday around the Worlds here along with Wordless Wednesdays and Wednesday Waters :-)

Sunday 5 February 2017

Kite surfing at Mount Maunganui beach

Still have the scorching Summer weather here, today was one of those days we not only got out for our beach walk but also came back down here again in the afternoon with our beach chairs, water and books.

We watched this kite surfer skimming along the waves very very fast back and forth until after about half an hour he came down into the water and couldn't get back up again. The speed he was travelling though was pretty amazing. I've since learned this is a type of Hydrofoil that the kitesurfer is holding - more info here.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday :-)

Friday 3 February 2017

Late afternoons relaxing at the beach

Some afternoons after work or in the weekends we like to walk down to the beach with our cameras, chairs and cold drinks and just watch what's going on. Sometimes we see surfers, sometimes we see families, sometimes we see people walking their dogs. Whenever we go there, there's always something going on :-)

More Skywatch Fridays here :-)

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Motorbikes with Mount Fish and Chips

Sometimes we walk through the main shopping area to where we live and outside one of the shops was a line of motorbikes. It's really hard to find a decent fish and chip shop here in NZ and I've heard locally that this place is worth checking out.

Linking up with Wednesday around the world and Wordless Wednesday :-)


  One of the local art galleries in one of the main streets in town - they sell artwork, portrait photography etc. After checking out their ...