Thursday, 5 October 2023

Black billed gulls

This photo taken last time we were in Taupo still amuses me. I think I took this shot just at the right time, do you think the gull was trying to tell me something or just look important?

So with our general elections getting closer we were able to get down to our local community centre with our voting cards and vote a bit early. 

It doesn't matter who wins quite frankly, well it does but I'm going to be very happy when it's all over.

A new party in power is not going to change alot I think but life goes on.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's Signs.


local alien said...

We have local elections this weekend. As you say, whoever gets in life is not going to change.
Mr Seagull is looking very important. It's a good idea to have information about them and other birds and wildlife

roentare said...

All political parties are same. We still pay tax and watch the corruptions unfold.

s.c said...

Hope they make it back to the Australian continent.

gz said...

"Look, this is me!"

It was once said that it doesn't matter too much what party is in power, the government stays the same...

Not 100% so, but near enough

Sharon said...

You are lucky. Elections in the the US have become a scary prospect.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That gull was posing for you.

Politics has gotten very toxic here in the USA.

Bill said...

A fun shot with the gull showing the sign about him to you.

Tom said...

...can Black Bill Gulls read?

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Your timing on the photo was perfection!

Jocelyn said...

He looks very important :-)

magiceye said...

Marvelous capture!

The politics world over seem to be sliding down very fast! Unfortunate.

Jim said...

Great shot.

Klara said...

;-)) perfectly timed!

Light and Voices said...

So perfectly timed.. There's the bird. There's the sign to tell us what kind of bird it is. Soooo funny!

William Kendall said...

A good perch.

No elections here foe awhile.


  I discovered a utility box outside my workplace that has been painted with different coloured fish. Just down the road is the fishing port...