Saturday, 7 October 2023

Nana Ni's

I don't know who Nana Ni is but I saw this cafe sign in Reefton recently. People watching is sometimes interesting as well as amusing and I do love this very neat, pretty town but sadly buying anything there is a bit over-priced.

So we've had leaders debates in the last couple of weeks from the larger and smaller parties in this year's election and there's a reason why I don't bother watching them, more like so I don't have to listen to people talking over each other and finger pointing. It just gets a bit much.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and the Weekend Roundup.


Jim said...

Looks like a really good place to people watch, cars too. It is okay with management?
We don't watch the political debates, we know who will vote for ahead of time.

Bill said...

That's politics here too.

roentare said...

At least the weather is not so bothersome

Tom said...

...NANA NI has a NICE ring!

Tigger's Mum said...

Look at the bleaching quality of the sunlight in that photo! Absolutely agree on those political debates broadcasts. Kindergartens are usually better run.

local alien said...

Local and regional elections here today in Greece. Thank goodness we voted early went for coffee and got out of Dodge.

Jackie McGuinness said...

Love people watching.
I can't be bothered with all the negativity around politics. Is it so hard to be nice?

William Kendall said...

A good shot.


  A scene in Greymouth. The lady in the middle was using a walker and the 2 on either side of her were keeping an eye on her, nice to see pe...