Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Otatara Pa

During our trip to Taupo 3 years ago (I had forgotten I'd taken these photos), we spent the day in Napier as my grandmother on my mother's side grew up there. This was one place we decided to visit.

Otatara Pa site is a historical reserve and walk which sits on top of a hill outside of town. The carvings are known as Pou.

So there is an upper pa (Hikurangi) and a lower pa (Otatara). Visitors can see the remnants of terraces, living sites, and food storage pits.

The area covers over 40 hectares and is one of the largest and oldest pa sites in the Hawkes Bay area.

Maori preferred this place because of it's strategic point in Napier and of it's expansive views over the region.

The Chief Turauwha was very important at this time, around 400 years ago. Another Maori named Taraia lead Ngati Kahungunu (a tribe) to Heretaunga where they attached Otatara. 

Through living there, intermarriage and power/influence they expanded to dominate the region.

In 1973 part of the pa was designated as a historic reserve to protect what is remaining. In 1987 management of the reserve was passed to the Department of Conservation which has carried on added parts to the pa to show how it once was.

Otatara Pa is now registered as a category 1 historic place. Information from the Hawkes Bay website.

 Linking up with Through my lensAll SeasonsTuesday TreasuresMy corner of the world and Wordless Wednesday.


local alien said...

What a great place to visit. You can really see how they lived

roentare said...

Interesting to see these cultural heritages

magiceye said...

Interesting history.

s.c said...

These statues are quite similar to those on Easter Island anyway.

Jim said...

Very interesting.

Klara said...

very interesting post.

Bill said...

Very interesting, thanks for sharing the info on this site.

Lydia C. Lee said...

So fantastic. It's great it's preserved given it's wood and open to the elements...#MCoW

Marja said...

Wow I have been to Napier once. Next time we visit we will go to Otatara Pa Thanks for the information

Tom said...

...it's nice to have historic sites.

Pauline said...

Great photos, Amy, of an interesting visit. That's quite an extensive pa site, isn't it?

William Kendall said...

Good to preserve this.


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