Thursday, 11 May 2023

Autumn or Winter

Finally we are nearly into Winter but it's felt more like Autumn with cold temperatures not sinking in yet. Last night was the first night we've had where the temperatures were down to 4 degrees and due to get colder. I have severe hay fever allergies throughout the year so I'm finding my usual medication isn't working quite so well. Hopefully a doctor's visit can get me a prescription on some better stuff.  I'm back at work tomorrow after my week off but I have a question. Why do days off always go by faster than the days we work?

Weirdly enough, the bulbs I planted a few weeks ago are already sprouting. Are they confused about whether it's Spring or Autumn?

Linking up with Skywatch Friday, All Seasons and Tom's Signs.


roentare said...

Climate change is definitely happening. I recently start to confuse the autumn as spring too

Tom said...

...nature sure is confused lately.

William Kendall said...

Our fall seems more sharply defined.

magiceye said...

The mushroom looks cute!

Susan Heather said...

I know days when one is retired go much quicker than days when one used to go to work. In spite of the continual rain it has been quite warm until today but I gather there is snow on the Desert Road and quite chilly today.

s.c said...

That looks very rainy. Yeah climate change is working here.

Bill said...

The weather is weird everywhere. We got some nice days but then it reverts back to the cooler days.

Sharon said...

You've posed a very good question. Days off always go faster then work days. ;-)
Sounds like it's time to get the coats out.

DawnTreader said...

Here at the other end of the world (Sweden), we're going from spring to summer now... Hope you find something more efficient to help your health problem.

Jim said...

Autumn is not so bad but winter I need to escape.

Pauline said...

We've just had our first taste of cooler weather. My spring flowers are shooting, too. Hope your hayfever is under control soon.

Pisi Prkl said...

I love the f1rst one. Nice piece of Street Photography.
Hope you get some help with that allergy.
Them work days are always a drag.
That climate change is everywhere, includind Finland.
Love your new header image.

Fun60 said...

Some of my plants especially the bulbs seem to have no idea what season it is.

Klara said...

our spring looks similar this year.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Yes, weekends and vacations always seem to go by fastest! Stay warm!

Photo Cache said...

Enjoy the seasons.

Worth a Thousand Words

Lydia C. Lee said...

Your like us - our weather is so all over the place. It's really causing havoc! Thanks for joining #Allseasons


  I discovered a utility box outside my workplace that has been painted with different coloured fish. Just down the road is the fishing port...