Thursday, 9 April 2020

Supermoon for 2020

The last 2 nights I have been outside with my camera and the big close up lens trying to get some decent shots of the super moon. l managed to narrow them all down to these 2 photos but I think I did quite well - even the cat was out there with me staring at the sky. I find it interesting being able to see the craters and patterns.

I don't know about you but I feel a bit energized by the moon's energy - it seems quite mysterious. In other news our Covid 19 daily rate of infected people seems to be slowly going down. We've gone from over 80 each day to 70 then 60 and now 50 - hopefully we are turning a corner.

I do have to wonder at some of the reporters intellect though, some of the questions they ask our prime minister and chief health executive leave me shaking my head. Yesterday one of them asked something like "people believe 5g has caused corona virus, what do you say to that". If I could describe the look on their faces I would say they were wide eyed and probably thinking "are you serious".  Now that we are into our 2nd week of lockdown we are halfway there and I am looking forward to this being all over.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


gz said...

I wish that we had got stuck in NZ during seems to be the most sensible place, despite some weird theories..which you find everywhere.
Beautiful moon was stunning..we left the bedroom curtains open all night to see it cross the sky

At Home In New Zealand said...

I agree - some of those reporters ask such stupid questions, or keep asking the same question over and over and getting the same reply. I think Jacinda and Ashley must both have the patience of saints when dealing with reporters.
I see we have a new saying on TV as well - love your bubble! Stay safe :) xx

Susan Heather said...

Wonderful photos of the moon.

Barwitzki said...

You took great pictures. It was such a beautiful moon. A joy :-)))
Greetings to you.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Love your gorgeous moon photos. I am glad NZ is seeing less cases of the virus. Happy Skywatching! Take care! Wishing you a great day and weekend ahead.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

absolutely fabulous photos of the moon!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

So good and encouraging to hear you have passed your peak. I think we are in the middle of ours here, and people are very stressed out. Beautiful moon captures!!

Tom said...

...I don't know how you feel, but from what I've read, your PM seems to be doing a very good job safeguarding the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders! I wish that the same was true here, take care and stay safe.

Bill said...

Great moon captures. We got plenty of cloud cover to block our views. :( Glad the numbers are going down, I've heard about the 5g on the radio news today. There are so many gullible people out there, you just have to shake your head.
Take care and stay safe.

Jim said...

Good one.

Stevenson Q said...

This is very beautiful Amy! I wasn't able to see it when it happened, thanks for bringing it to me.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

We are still on the upswing on deaths. They are doubling every week now here in Oklahoma so we still have a ways to go. New Zealand seems to be the example that is being set.

I love the moon and feel energized by it also. Being able to see the small features that I cannot see with my naked eye is great as well.

I've been reading about all the conspiracies, and the Bill Gates conspiracies and it is discouraging.

Rhonda Albom said...

As far as the reporter's questions go, I think the speaker should have a light that comes on that says "I already answered that". They reporters can ask the same question 20 different ways but it is still the same question and I don't think the speaker should have to honour it with a response.

carol l mckenna said...

Magnificent moon shots ~ Humans in crisis are always thinking the most ludicrous thoughts ~ I chalk it up to the Human Condition ~

Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Sharon said...

Fantastic moon shots. You did very well. We get some silly questions from people here too but unfortunately, we have a President who blames everything on someone (or something) else. He probably would have agreed.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I think we are definitely on the downward slope Amy, fingers crossed! Excellent moon pics, I gave up trying to get a good shot 😊

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