Saturday, 11 April 2020

Staying safe for Easter

While I look out our lounge window at our street I see how quiet it is out there. We have a park across the road and once in a while someone takes their dog over there for a play.

I heard today we have had our 2nd death and sad to hear it was an elderly lady - sad because her family weren't able to be with her at the end but apparently she had very caring hospital staff who were at her side.

Numbers here are up to 1283 as of yesterday, 40 up on the previous day, still not as much as other countries but we really need to knock it on the head here.

Some of the supermarkets made the decision to close yesterday to give their workers a much needed rest. I spoke to an old work colleague Thursday night and he advised me that everyone had been working 200% to keep everything well stocked.

This weekend being Easter people have been told to still stay home in lockdown but hundreds are trying to travel out of the cities into holiday towns and police have set up roadblocks to turn them around.

I can't believe there are some out there who are so selfish and use such excuses as "they are taking their dogs an hour away to another beach for a walk" or someone else saying "they are going to pick up something they bought online". I really question if people understand how serious this whole pandemic is.

We are pretty fortunate here as we don't need to do our food shopping until next week I won't have to line up and wait, hopefully after the Easter craziness I'll be able to walk in again like I did last time with no queues.

We have been watching Jamie Oliver cooking episodes lately, one series in particular is where he makes yummy food using only 5 ingredients.

I have already made the other half a sticky onion tart which virtually had very little preparation time and was so easy to put together.

Please leave me a comment to say how you have been doing where you are. Stay safe.


At Home In New Zealand said...

Our days are fairly routine and a little boring but each of us go off and do our own thing in our own space, and it is working well. I talk to lots of people online and by phone, but I do miss driving to the gardens or lake for a pleasant walk through nature. Stay safe, Mxx

Susan Heather said...

Looks like a lovely street. Lazy day here today although we have put mesh covers over the brassicas to prevent the white butterflies laying eggs. As youwould have heard the death toll doubled today - now 4

Fun60 said...

I can't deny I find some days very difficult. As I am not living in my own home where I am used to my own space and my own way of doing things I have felt the stress of living in a household of five. I still think it was the right decision to move in with my daughter to support her as she has a chronic illness but I long to go home. However, it is going to be many weeks before I will be allowed to move back.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Most people doing the right thing here Amy, funny to see pictures of the city so quiet. It's been hot the last few days in Perth, we're lucky enough to have a pool and big garden which keeps me busy at the best of times. What I'll miss most is our big family picnic that we've had every Easter as long as I can remember.. next year 😊

Bill said...

We have roadblocks too. People trying to get to their holiday homes. If they are there, they have to stay there. Our restrictions were extended to May 5th. After that they will evaluate the situation again. I've been doing a lot of reading and m wife is knitting aways and listening to podcasts.
Take care, stay safe and have a Happy Easter.

R's Rue said...

Happy Easter.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

A different Easter for sure. I hope we never have another one like it. Our restrictions are a lot looser than yours but you have better results which is not surprising. So many people here either don't care or don't understand what is going on.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

We felt we had to go home from Florida (to Oregon) and were fortunate to be able to do so relatively safely. Each one of the US states had different rules and we felt like Florida was (and is) a perfect hotspot for the virus due to the governors incompetence. (He refused to issue stay home orders for way too long). And with hurricane season coming up, it could even get worse. ... so we are now safe and self isolated in our Oregon apartment ... closer to family but still can’t be with any of them. Figuring out how to order groceries on line, we can take walks on the river path, with masks ...people here are good at maintaining distance .

DawnTreader said...

Although no total lockdown here it seems people in Sweden reduced their travelling over Easter by 30% compared to normal, which in turn also meant less road accidents. There are no restrictions about being outdoors if you keep social distance, though.


Photo of a part of Greymouth near the Grey River taken around 8pm at night so not many people around. It's been a funny week so far. I...