Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Fairy Pool Fungi

I pushed myself to get out of the house yesterday for some fresh air and walked down by the Kerikeri Fairy Pools. There are different nature walks there, the one I completed was about 45 minutes worth. On the way I took these shots of some spectacular looking Fungi. I think this one, above is a Yellow-brown Woodtuft.

I think these may be Split Gills (Schizophyllum Commune) - it's found from Autumn to Spring on dead wood.

Another rather beaten up Yellow brown Woodtuft, this one growing out of the soil.

This little toadstool, Cortinarius Genus was growing amongst the leaves. They are found around the world and come out in Autumn.

After much researching online all I can come up with is that this is some type of Puffball Mushroom but not sure of the exact name.

These babies are known as Fairy Bonnets (Coprinellus Disseminatus). They sprout after heavy rains and last for a few days. They grow in clusters and groups on wet wood.

More tiny Yellow-brown woodtufts growing on this stick.  Yesterday our country stepped back to Alert Level 3 that means we are allowed to meet up with small amounts of other people in our friends or family groups, businesses that can operate with online deliveries or drive throughs can open and we are down to a number of under 5 infected people each day so pretty positive really.

Linking up with My Corner of the World and Wordless Wednesday.


Tom said...

...I don't know much about fungus, but what I do know is that it's very important and can be beautiful.

Maria Rodrigues said...

Nature is magnificent. How many different species of fungi.
Wonderful photos.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Lest your lock down is coming to an end. We will have to wait another six odd months for fungi like that

NCSue said...

If I had my life to live over, I would seriously study mushrooms and fungi. They're fascinating.
Hope you will share your photos at

Susan Heather said...

What a lovely selection.

Red said...

We need more people like you who are familiar with fungi. More people to teach us about fungi

Pauline said...

Hi Amy, I've always been confused about the Fairy Falls and the Rainbow Falls. I've been to the Rainbow Falls (once with Graham from Eagleton Notes) but am not sure if they are the same place. Great shots of the fungi. That looked like a great walk.

Veronica Lee said...

Interesting photos! Nature is fascinating!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, wonderful collection of fungi images. Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

Bill said...

What a lovely collection!

Sharon said...

Wow, you found quite a lot of mushrooms of all kinds. This is the second blog I've gone to this morning featuring mushrooms.

At Home In New Zealand said...

You have managed to get some amazing fungi photos there. Well done :)

betty-NZ said...

The things you find when you are out and about! I like finding little gems like this, too, although I'm useless with names :)

Thanks for taking part at 'My Corner of the World' this week! It's good to see you.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Interesting photos, I love how you know the names.
Your country really stepped up. We in the US, as you probably know, are a mess. Lots of people still saying that the Coronavirus is just the flu.

gz said...

Fascinating colours and shapes

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