Tuesday, 17 March 2020

It's allergy season

This week I am down with the usual Autumn hayfever allergies, probably just as well I'm not working right now. In the weekend we caught up with an old friend of the other half's from school days, he had his wife and friends with him who were all travelling north on holiday. We met them at Langs Beach, about 15 minutes north of here and pretty much baked in the sun but this morning we had a good downpour of rain that was well needed. Still managed to get this photo of a Black Shag showing off in the sun along with the obligatory seagulls and godwits on the other side of the sand.

Here we have been hearing 24/7 of the spread of the Corona Virus around the world - are you worried about it or do you think not alot of it. I can't believe in other countries people have been stockpiling in supermarkets and shops - here we manufacture toilet paper and our own produce, meat here so people haven't really been going too nuts. Here people who come into the country are meant to be self isolating for 2 weeks but when we watched the news last night there were some people who had a blase attitude about it as they commented they couldn't be bothered doing that - it just amazed us really. This morning apparently a tourist got sent back home after arriving last night and going to a backpackers instead of self isolating.  Thoughts?

Linking up with Our World Tuesday and My Corner of the World.


Susan Heather said...

I have found it quite chilly today. It was great getting the rain as it has freshened the garden and yes it is amazing how people treat the self-isolating rules.

At Home In New Zealand said...

It is hard to walk that fine line between being worried and not caring, but I think we all need to be sensible. I don't want the virus, but more importantly I don't want to inadvertently pass it onto someone else because I didn't know I had it. Our supermarkets here in Hamilton are still going crazy, although they seem to be keeping up supplies reasonably well.
Hope you get over your hayfever soon. It is not much fun to feel down with that, when you have packing and moving to organise. Take care, Mxx

Serenata said...

I think people have to start taking responsibility for themselves and also for others. Unfortunately there will always be those who have no regard for the safety and health of others...I have seen this over the years when for example someone comes to choir or band practice with any absolutely stinking rotten cold...with no thought that there might be others in the group who are vulnerable with weaker immune systems. So those same people will probably be the ones that won't self isolate. Good on the NZ Government for making a stand, I wish ours would! The way they are acting you would think we are a third world country...we will probably end up like one if they continue along the same vein.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

People here are nuts. Toilet paper and other paper goods, cleansers, hand sanitizers, all that are gone.
About half the people are convinced this is a plot to get rid of our president who just this week is starting to take this seriously.
Churches are closed, our public library, at work they told us to do our job at home. It all seems kind of depressing.

Bill said...

We have been staying in except to grocery shop a few days ago. Every thing other than grocery stores and chemists are closed until the end of the month and maybe more. People panic bought and lots of the shelves were bare but we did get what we needed. Some people just don't get the severity of this virus, it's a shame.
Stay safe and healthy!

DawnTreader said...

People have been stockpiling toilet paper (and certain foods, like pasta and flour etc) here too, in spite of there being no real shortage of neither paper nor food - it's just the shops not quite keeping up with the very sudden increase in demand. I don't find this all that strange though, as at the same time more and more groups of people are told to just stay home and avoid going out at all and especially to avoid crowds. So even if some people may be buying *too* much, I think it's basic instinct to make sure you have enough of essential things at home (of the kind that will not perish) in case you suddenly realize, or get told, that you have to stay in for the next two or three weeks (or who knows how long). - I'm starting to feel spring hay fever now. So besides not wanting to catch the virus myself, I also feel I might scare other people half to death by a sudden sneeze now (because even if I am sure it's allergy, how would they know!). I still go out for walks, but I'm doing what I can to keep my distance to others, even outdoors. Luckily I can order groceries (and toilet paper!) online!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

We’re in that most vulnerable age group so we’re being careful. Our resort park (where we spend the winter/spring season) has cancelled all group activities. It’s ok to go for walks and nowadays there is a lot to do at home. I am a little worried about what will it be like when we’re ready to travel home to Oregon. But so far we’re just taking it a day at a time .

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You better believe it, our supermarkets have stripped shelves because of panic buying, what you hear about loo roll is true, still one thing is for sure when it is over they will be stuck with the stuff. People only think of themselves and sod everyone else.

Photo Cache said...

For the first time in my life, I took inventory of our toilet paper. I've been going to store every day after work and the shelves remain bare. I have 12 rolls. That will have to last us until the stores get their supplies. Stay safe.

Worth a Thousand Words

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh I agree Amy, if they fly in to the country from anywhere really they should do the right thing and self isolate, if not for themselves for the many the could possibly infect. Little bit crazy here also, hopefully when people realize the shelves do get restocked they won't panic so much. It's a sad and crazy world at the momen. Take care of yourselves.

Lady Fi said...

Gorgeous shot! Spring allergies here!

betty-NZ said...

That's a lovely photo. Sorry your allergies are acting up--hopefully, it won't last too long.

Thanks for your contribution to 'My Corner of the World' this week!

My Corner of the World

Veronica Lee said...

I didn't think the panic buying would happen in my corner of the world but a couple of days ago, there was a sudden spike in corona virus infections and our prime minister declared a partial lockdown.

Stay safe!

Graham Edwards said...

I'm sorry to hear that you've got seasonal hay-fever. I'm afraid that panic buying is happening all over the UK despite there being plenty of supplies (we make our own toilet rolls too).

William Kendall said...

I'm trying to be cautious but calm about it.


Photo of a part of Greymouth near the Grey River taken around 8pm at night so not many people around. It's been a funny week so far. I...