Thursday, 19 March 2020

Whangarei District War Memorial

With the Corona Virus still doing the rounds it looks like our annual ANZAC day has been cancelled. Today we heard that in total we now have 28 cases and mostly from people who have travelled back here from other countries, one person was tested in Australia and still chose to come here without waiting for the results - the way people think boggles my mind.

This District War Memorial in Whangarei was opened in 2015, pretty recent I know. It was relocated from another place in town and now incorporates 1st world war and 2nd world war veterans.  The wall is made of black marble inscribed with names of an additional 470 men who also died in the South African, Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan wars.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


At Home In New Zealand said...

It is good to see other wars getting mentioned. Those men also fought for our country and have a right to be remembered.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Impressive memorial. The person who came from Australia was a selfish person only thing of them selves

local alien said...

Our national day has been cancelled, and Easter. Never mind, we will celebrate later, for sure

Wayne said...

It looks very peaceful and a good place to reflect. In these troubled times, common sense is even less common.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, what a pretty memorial. I am not sure but I thought it is hard to even get tested here, they do not have enough testing kits? I would not travel, especially on an airplane. Take care and stay safe. I hope your day is great!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

stay safe!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

A lovely memorial. Seems like virtually everything has been cancelled. Crazy, scary times. Stay safe and healthy!

Bill said...

A nice memorial. Crazy and chaotic times, stay safe and healthy.

Stevenson Q said...

We will always be thankful for heroes who were called and fought with all their might for a bigger cause. Stunning Skies!

Tanya Breese said...

It is a nice memorial...I sure can't wait until all this is over!

William Kendall said...


Jade Mountain

  Near the centre of Greymouth shopping district there is this sculpture featuring a 2 tonne piece of Jade aka Pounamu. The West Coast where...