Saturday, 21 March 2020

One week to go

Cyclists at Mount Victoria, Devonport

One week to go until we move. I've completed about 3/4 of the packing and only have last minute things to do mostly in the kitchen.

We heard this morning that NZ has 53 cases of Corona Virus now with the number rising mostly this week. The borders have been closed at our International Airports to non residents and anyone currently here on holiday from overseas is meant to be self isolating but many tourists have been ignoring that. It's hard for me to imagine someone deliberately flouting health rules that are meant to be there for everyones safety and I don't know whether to say it's rude, selfish or both. My parents are both in the 70s and they have been staying at home.

People are also meant to be staying at least 2 metres away from others with a limit of 100 people in public indoor places but there are still restaurants that again are ignoring this, people really don't seem to be that concerned which I find a bit bizarre.

Back to sorting out kitchen drawers...


Tom said...

..if they seem not to be concerned, hopefully that will all change quickly. This is serious, take good care of yourself and family.

Fun60 said...

Good luck with your packing. We had our first conviction yesterday of someone not self isolating - 3 months in jail.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Hope your move happens smoothly without disruptions. You will be glad to finally get settled down again. Take care, Mxx

gz said...

Here the restaurants and cafes that are still open are doing carry outs.
Hope the move goes well

local alien said...

Hope you move before this virus gets worse.
Those darn people who could infect so many. I just can't understand their attitude either

local alien said...

Hope your move goes smoothly in this crisis situation.
I just can't understand the attitude of those people who are just arriving. Hell they are putting so many others in danger!

Sharon said...

I've been thinking the same thing. Some people don't seem concerned at all while others are taking all kinds of precautions. I was invited by friends to someones house for games tonight. It was just a group of no more than 5 but I decided not to go. It was at the home of someone I don't know all that well and my gut said I should play it safe.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Well they closed all the pub's bar's and restaurants here, you can't go any where like that now. Shops are open but unless they sell food I doubt they will be much longer. Hple iyt goes OK for you

Bill said...

Those people are foolish, selfish and dangerous to be around.
Stay safe!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You are doing well with your moving preparations Amy and yes I absolutely agree with you, some people are unbelievably selfish, dangerously so!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Sounds like you are getting on well with your moving preparations Amy and yes I agree, it would be wonderful if everyone practiced safe measures at the moment.

William Kendall said...

People can be so thoughtless.

Jade Mountain

  Near the centre of Greymouth shopping district there is this sculpture featuring a 2 tonne piece of Jade aka Pounamu. The West Coast where...