Tuesday, 24 March 2020

A slow moving shipwreck

Last year we visited Shipwreck Bay (Te Kohanga) in Ahipara. Usually a perfect surfing spot it is well known for still containing some old wrecks that are visible at low tide and was featured in the 1966 movie "Endless Summer".

So our infection level is up to 102 as of this morning and it seems our prime minister has moved our country to alert level 3 and then straight onto level 4 on Wednesday. What that means is that all schools, restaurants, bars, public places have to close - the only places that are allowed to remain open are essential services such as hospitals, doctor's surgeries by phone appointment, technicians (such as my other half who fixes phones, broadband etc), supermarkets and shops etc.

Unfrotunately even though people have been told numerous times not to panic and stockpile they have ramped it up another level. Some supermarkets have police and security services there to only let in certain amounts of people at a time. It's quite ridiculous really. We had a hiccup here, we had a moving truck pre-cooked a month ago, they phoned us today to cancel as they have been told to close and go into lockdown. In the end we managed to find another removal truck in another town that we can hire for 3 days over the weekend.

So for the next 4 weeks everyone has to stay home and only essential travel is allowed. We are hoping this blows over quickly but it's the retailers I feel sorry for - so many businesses will probably go under.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday and My Corner of the World.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Best of luck, not a good time to move

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

The next month is scary and boring at the same time!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, The photo and view is beautiful! It is bad for the economy. I am wondering how much business they would do even if they stayed open. I feel sorry for the small businesses. We have restaurants open only for carry-out. Good luck with your move. Stay safe and take care! Have a good week!

gz said...

We are down to essential food shops and pharmacies here in Scotland...Nicola Sturgeon advised it...and most have done it.Unlike England where the advice hasn't been needed and I think the only way to get some people to act for the good of all is to get the forces...police and army...like in Spain and France

Bill said...

Hope you can get your move done and over. I saw these restrictions last night on the news and thought about you and was wondering if you can still move. It seems you can, so stay safe, stay healthy and lots of good luck with the move.

Amy said...

yes we found out we can, the govt said only essential travel, we will be in our cars not interacting with other people and will be going straight to the new property luckily.

William Kendall said...

I'm hoping this clears up soon.

Susan Heather said...

Good luck for the move.

NatureFootstep said...

would love to visit that beach. But that will never happen. Like every other country we are in restricted times. But not as bad as yours it seems. Take care, still a good thing to meet online. :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

We are at 86 in Oklahoma. We went through our worst hoarding last week and now things are loosening up a little. My wife found toilet paper today and only took one container of it.

Here in Tulsa and some of the suburbs all restaurants, bars, movie theaters, and such are closed similar to what you describe. It has been devastating here also for small business owners and their employees.

Stay safe!!

Photo Cache said...

Welcome to our world. We're on shelter-in-place for the 2nd week.

Worth a Thousand Words

Rhonda Albom said...

Good that you were able to find another moving truck. I do feel sorry for all the businesses and the general economy. I do hope that the spread can be contained and we can return to the new normal in short order.

local alien said...

Hope your move goes smoothly in these strange times.

Sharon said...

It really is a horrible situation all over the world. I hope you are able to move without too much trouble.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So glad you were able to find another moving truck Amy, it could have been a disaster. Well the world is a bit of a disaster at the moment isn't it, same restrictions here as you have. Let's hope everyone does the right thing so we can get back to business.

Fun60 said...

It is a difficult time for all of us. We can only hope that wecan keep safe. Good luck with your move.

betty-NZ said...

Awesome image!

Good to hear you are OK as we are, too. Hang in there, it' can't last forever!

I'm so happy you are a part of 'My Corner of the World' this week!

My Corner of the World

Veronica Lee said...

Hope your move goes smoothly amid this craziness.

Stay safe!

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...