Saturday, 14 March 2020

Back to Te Arai surf beach

Last weekend the other half and I drove out to our local Te Arai surf beach. We've been here many times over the years but this was for something to do - since I'm not working at the moment it's easy to get a bit of cabin fever sometimes.

The waves weren't really very surfy but it was good to see on most of the sand dunes near the carpark signs saying no dogs allowed (due to endangered bird nesting areas) and other signs warning people not to step on the vegetation which is currently being re-planted, unfortunately I did see people walking all over them which dismayed me somewhat.

For a long time local activists have been protesting the council developing the land which edges onto this coastline, somewhat for the endangered birds and for fear that public access to the beach will be closed off.

A billionaire from the USA was allowed to build a luxury golf course which covers 600 ha and also will eventually include 40 house sites and an airstrip. People such as Barack Obama and John Key have stayed here. The development has been a bone of contention in our town for the last few years. If you want to know more check out this link.

Some of the birds that nest along this shoreline include Oyster Catchers, Dotterils, Fairy Terns and Godwits.  Although in Summer this is a popular surfing spot most visitors here are pretty clued up about what not to do but when the area starts to quieten down it goes back to being a very restful spot.


William Kendall said...

Quite peaceful, at least now.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Beautiful beach. Why are there always people who think these lovely places need to be 'developed'?

Bill said...

What a beautiful area!

jennyfreckles said...

It looks gorgeous - let's hope it stays so.

Susan Heather said...

Must go there one day. I have been to Te Arai but not the beach. My late husband's grandparents settled there in 1860.

Sharon said...

What a gorgeous beach. It must be great to walk along here.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh a beautiful beach, I just hate when “developments” go on in a beautiful natural area. Forgot to say in commenting on your post above, I feel for you with your allergies. Spring is high allergy season in the part of Oregon that is our home and that is why we stay away longer in the season than most snowbirds do. My “other half” suffered through too many allergic springs before we retired. The longer we can manage staying away through that season, the better. I hope you feel better soon.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Developers can go too far Amy, there are some spots that should just be left alone, this looks like one of them 💙

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