Sunday, 19 May 2019

Pigeons - pests or friends?

My daughter recently bought some bird seed and a bird seed bell and placed it on an old metal plate on the grass in our backyard. To our surprise the Sparrows, Thrushes and Blackbirds basically ignored it until 2 mornings later we spotted some Rock Pigeons out there furiously pecking away at it all.

We've gone from 3 to 6 - it seems the whole family has now turned up. I'm wondering through are they pests or friends? I'm hoping they don't make a mess on the neighbours roofs.

Your thoughts?


William Kendall said...

I don't mind them.

Bill said...

They must be some hungry pigeons. I imagine they could get a bit messy, you hope not.

Andy said...

Pigeons know something good when the see it. ~(‾▿‾)~

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I guess some would regard them as pests Amy, but personally I love feeding my birds. I figure if they make a bit of a mess it's in my garden. They actually don't make all that much mess and lots of fun to see ✨

Fun60 said...

I definitely view them as pests.

Sharon said...

When I lived in the house with the big yard, I used to put out seeds for the birds and every now and then a few pigeons would show up. They always ate and then left. Hopefully the same here.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

We call them flying rats dam things are a pain and our dog chase's them out of the garden. We do get a lot of smaller birds feeding as well though

Graham Edwards said...

Pigeons will vacuum up everything and can be a real pest. I think sparrows prefer their food off the ground for safety (although will eat anywhere if they have to) but I'm surprised at the blackbirds because they are ground feeders (although they will find food anywhere of course).

NatureFootstep said...

we have lots of them and they mostly eat from the ground. Of course, if they are many they will probably be messy :)

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