Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Blustery Hihi Beach

Usually on Sundays we like to relax as it's our first day off each week but we decided to get outdoors instead. So after driving through the countryside for about 50 minutes we stopped at Hihi (hee hee) beach.

My hayfever allergies were playing up to the max so I was sneezing alot but it was good to get out of the car and walk along the sand.

Very choppy waves and a chilly breeze blew us around a bit. The only sign of life we saw was in the form of 2 young surf-casters walking with their rods around the rocks.

From the beach we could see over to the other side of the bay - this is Cooper's Beach in the distance.

Definitely not a day for swimming I think. This is quite an isolated spot with a few holiday homes and baches grouped together, not my cup of tea. I like small town life but it's convenience to have a supermarket, shops and other outlets where we live. I bet this place is packed over Summer though.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday and My Corner of the World.


Bill said...

Beautiful scenery, Amy. It looks like a great place to explore for a walk. My wife has her allergies kicking up lately. The last few days she's been sneezing like crazy. It's that time of year when everything is blooming and the pollen count is high.
Enjoy your day and have a wonderful week.

Photo Cache said...

I love a drive to nowhere on days off. Very therapeutic.

Worth a Thousand Words

Susan Heather said...

It is many, many years since I visited Hihi. A nice reminder.

William Kendall said...

It is lovely scenery.

Graham Edwards said...

I shll give an envious sight although when I was there it was very much hotter! It's good to see your photo: you have a very enigmatic smile.

betty-NZ said...

We have been to the far north a couple of times and I have to say that it's definitely beautiful. Your photos are really great.

I appreciate your contribution to 'My Corner of the World' this week!

My Corner of the World

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love the name of the beach Amy. Every now and then it's good to blow the cobwebs out of our heads with a walk along a windy beach, even better when you have the beach to yourself ✨

Kumete Kai

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