Thursday 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

What a great morning it's been so far here in Northland, NZ. We've done brunch with the family, now time to kick back and relax. Hope you're all staying safe. have a good one :-)

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Lights are up at my place!

Putting lights up on houses at Christmas time isn't a huge thing here in NZ, some people get into it some dont. These however I bought last year and we put them up a few weeks ago. We think they look very festive when they are on at night.

For more our world Tuesdays click here :-)

Sunday 21 December 2014

Colour at the Mangawhai markets

Im amongst the rainy days I've managed to get out to Mangawhai village with my camera. The above was one of many bunches of flowers a florist was selling at the markets.

And these very pretty pink Dianthus seen on the edge of someone's garden.

Enjoy your weekend :-)

Saturday 20 December 2014

Weekend reflections - of Mangawhai estuary and Mangawhai surf beach

Since here in NZ we are in the Southern Hemisphere our seasons are opposite from those in the North. While some of you out there are enjoying snow, winter and cold we are in the beginnings of Summer, well we are meant to be. So here are two photos of what it's like here for us at this time of year:

Morning sunrise of Mangawhai estuary - taken by me on the way to work one morning.

And this one from Mangawhai surf beach on a warm morning while I was going for my daily walk - sunny and refreshing..

For more weekend reflections click here :-)

Friday 19 December 2014

Skywatch Friday - Stormy skies over Mangawhai

This is a photo I shared a week ago on my facebook page, stormy skies over Mangawhai - the next day we had flooding over the area and various roads were closed. There's more forecast for this weekend...

For more Skywatch Fridays click here :-)

Thursday 18 December 2014

Hydrangeas - a must for Summer in New Zealand

As those of you in the Northern Hemisphere are going through winter at the moment us kiwis in the Southern Hemisphere are attempting to get into Summer.  On Saturday after completing a library trip by returning 8 books the teens had taken out, renewed one of mine and wandered around taking photos. This one above is a blue Hydrangea lining a fence outside an old rustic shed.

These lovely miniature pink ones were for sale in small plant pots at one of the stalls outside the Mangawhai village markets.

You can't have summer without Hydreangeas I think - one of my favourite flowers!

Monday 15 December 2014

Loads of summer colour...then loads of flooding!

These lovely flower photos are ones I took on Saturday morning, which was a very overcast day. With no teenagers at home I spent some time at the local markets and walking around Mangawhai taking pics of some of the summer colour. Hydreangeas above are one of my most favourite flowers.

Bougainvillea climbing a fence along the road from me, loving the vibrant red flowers against the bland wooden fence.

Pink carpet roses poking their heads through a fence near the beach - these grow prolifically around here surprisingly enough.

Would love to hear how your weekend went...?

Saturday 13 December 2014

Rain rain rain - where is Summer?

So we're not asking where is Summer? When the Pohutukawa flowers bloom here it's a kiwi belief that it means we are in for a good hot season. These above, around the corner from my house came out late November but since then we've had rain on and off and only a fine days - not that I"m complaining. I know sooner or later the hot sunny days will come but for now the water is filling up my tank and helping the farmers.

Friday 5 December 2014

Living in the country - farm machinery, old and new

On the way to and from work I pass through some amazing scenery - some coastal, some rural. Because it's summer here down under at the moment the land is quite dry although we've also had some rain on and off - perfect for farmers. Lots of grass cutting at the moment and wrapping it all up in these balls which will come in handy over winter.

And this lovely rusty semi-new tractor I spotted this afternoon. I could help but stop and take some photos of it just sitting there and this one looks like it's been well used but it also looks like it has more life left in it.

Would love to hear what's happening in your part of the world right now...

Wednesday 3 December 2014

The colours of summer!

These Hollyhocks (I think, someone correct me if I'm wrong) outside the Mangawhai Library on Saturday. Each week we return our books and take out new ones - such is life being in a family of bookworms. There are about 3 of these plants all in big clumps outside the entrance.

And this stunning sight! Carpet roses lining the Mangawhai estuary on the way home tonight from work. Such a pretty picture of pink. Now that its finally warming up here at last we are hanging out for time at the beach.

Whats happening in your part of the world?

Hine Ora

  It's been a while since I've visited Westport. Last time we were there I spotted this hefty looking sculpture on the main street. ...