Saturday, 20 December 2014

Weekend reflections - of Mangawhai estuary and Mangawhai surf beach

Since here in NZ we are in the Southern Hemisphere our seasons are opposite from those in the North. While some of you out there are enjoying snow, winter and cold we are in the beginnings of Summer, well we are meant to be. So here are two photos of what it's like here for us at this time of year:

Morning sunrise of Mangawhai estuary - taken by me on the way to work one morning.

And this one from Mangawhai surf beach on a warm morning while I was going for my daily walk - sunny and refreshing..

For more weekend reflections click here :-)


Jocee said...

Beautiful photos, you get some lovely sunrises up there.

betty-NZ said...

I love your beach scenes! The sunrise is amazing! BTW, I didn't see you in the linkup at the Weekend Reflections blog :(

Amy said...

hi Betty, yes I did link up to it but I was having trouble with my laptop so maybe it didn't work, will try again...

'Tsuki said...

The beach is very impressive. I like the shape of this puddle of salty water surrounding the rock : so harmonious...

DeniseinVA said...

Ah now, that scenery is absolutely spectacular. I love your photos!

Unknown said...

absolutely beautiful shots :)


  I discovered a utility box outside my workplace that has been painted with different coloured fish. Just down the road is the fishing port...