Friday, 5 December 2014

Living in the country - farm machinery, old and new

On the way to and from work I pass through some amazing scenery - some coastal, some rural. Because it's summer here down under at the moment the land is quite dry although we've also had some rain on and off - perfect for farmers. Lots of grass cutting at the moment and wrapping it all up in these balls which will come in handy over winter.

And this lovely rusty semi-new tractor I spotted this afternoon. I could help but stop and take some photos of it just sitting there and this one looks like it's been well used but it also looks like it has more life left in it.

Would love to hear what's happening in your part of the world right now...


DeniseinVA said...

Two wonderful rural scenes. Love the clouds in the first photo and the rusty old tractor is beautiful. I love rusty old things, they have so much character.

Unknown said...

arent we blessed to live in such a beautiful country

I like old machinery thats been left theres something special and unique about it :)

Liz said...

Nice captures Amy and a cool post!

Heidi Sutton said...

I love living in the country as well. We have so much history in these open fields. I can see the stories of past lives and my imagination wonders all day as I look outside at the beautiful scenery. Coming from the city, I really appreciate the space. It's like poetry.

Heidi Sutton @ Ag Source Magazine


  Yay the water restrictions are now over. My daughter R and I were in town earlier this week doing some op shopping and we walked past this...