Saturday, 19 October 2024



Taken at one of the local petrol stations in town while I was waiting in line to use a pump. It was a very very full on day yesterday so I couldn't wait to get home after work. For those who commented on the last post about Kiwi Rail, the word "Kiwi" doesnt just refer to the Kiwifruit (as we call it) but it also is kind of a nickname that people in New Zealand aka Aotearoa call ourselves.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and the Weekend Roundup.


local alien said...

A nice big covered area. Do you have to pump your own petrol?

At Home In New Zealand said...

At least your gas station is well covered! I gave up waiting in line the other day when it started to rain and the partial cover was next to useless.

James said...

Nice street shot! Hopefully they don't tax petrol as much as they do here.

Tom said...

...we share a common language with different vocabulary.

roentare said...

Petrol is really getting expensive

Iris Flavia said...

And the bird. My tattooist N. back then was a Kiwi and gave me one for free as we had such a nice chat (it was their logo). I have it right under the Koala. Crazy world. He was really a nice guy. Likely had to leave Germany despite he was so talented and making money.

Sharon said...

You've reminded me that I need to do that too. Looks like you had a rainy day.

Bill said...

At least you have a covering over your petrol station. A lot of petrol stations here don't have them so when it's raining you get wet.

s.c said...

Those three colored litter bins are very interesting and by the look also in good use.

Autumn skies

  Sunset over the Grey River Photo taken by me on the way home one night around 8pm after work - Autumn sunset over the Grey River. We'v...