Thursday, 17 October 2024

Kiwi Rail


The beginning of the Tranz Alpine Train at the railway station next to my work - the trains here are pretty cruddy compared to other countries.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's signs.


roentare said...

Looks like cargo trains

local alien said...

The Trans Alpine that they show on travel shows looks nice and bright and shiny. Not quite the same as this one

Tom said...

...I found that KiwiRail Holdings Limited is a New Zealand state-owned enterprise responsible for rail operations in New Zealand and operates inter-island ferries.

Revrunner said...

I just wonder whether your trains are subsidized as others may be.

Bill said...

I think they look like cargo trains too.

Tigger's Mum said...

It's not like we have loads of rail services. I guess our narrow gauge railways make it harder to source new trains internationally without huge e pense.

s.c said...

Ha this one is more for transporting kiwi's in a refrigerated rail car to the port.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love any kind of railroad equipment.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Looks similar in cruddiness to what I see locally. Looks like they have a steep grade to navigate!

Veronica Lee said...

I thought those were cargo trains too.

Happy Sunday, Amy!

Paspii said...

Bit rough indeed.

Bird on a sign

  This sign made me smile last time we were in Taupo. It seems this Black Billed Gull was taking it literally.  Today is Waitangi Day in Ao...