Saturday 4 May 2024



One of the local art galleries in one of the main streets in town - they sell artwork, portrait photography etc. After checking out their photos I think they could be similar to the subjects I take photos of but theirs are on a professional scale.

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and the Weekend Roundup.


Paspii said...

Photography exhibitions are - nearly always - nice experiences.

Jim said...

They take nice pictures, I am sure. But don't let that knock yours, yours are always nice too, especially for blogging.

roentare said...

Now business is mostly on line. Hard to know if it is doing reasonably well

James said...

I'd like to look around inside.

doodles n daydreams said...

I have a couple of Nimmo's prints. Lovely pics but I can't complain about yours, they're also lovely.

Sharon said...

Sounds like a great place. I love your touch of red in this photo.

local alien said...

I really enjoy all of your photos.

DawnTreader said...

I guess turning a hobby into a profession you can live on is as much about hard work as about artistic talent...

Iris Flavia said...

I wish them luck. Our art gallery is still there, but most people buy online...

s.c said...

Nice to have a gallery. Must be interesting to look around there.

Tom said...

...a nice touch of RED!

Fun60 said...

My brother is a photographer and he spends hours and hours waiting for the right light etc to get the photo he wants. I snap away quite happy if it isn't blurred.

At Home In New Zealand said...

I think you do really well with your photos. I have a relation who is a professional photographer and a lot of the pictures get photoshopped before they are released. Think I will stick to being an amateur LOL.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

You photos are always good also Amy. Have a great week ahead

magiceye said...

I like the bright red car against a dull background, beautifully composed and shot!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Hah, you may be kind of like me. I am not going to buy other people's photos when I have so many of my own. True that they are generally a lot better quality than mine, but still.

Jeanne said...

LOL, "On the professional scale" can be so different in meaning.

Jeanne said...

LOL, "on a professional scale" can have so many different meanings. But I do learn something from some galleries, and I find they improve my images.

Kiwi Rail

  The beginning of the Tranz Alpine Train at the railway station next to my work - the trains here are pretty cruddy compared to other count...