Thursday, 2 May 2024


See that reddish coloured building in the distance? In the early to mid 1990s I use to work there, can't remember what floor though. Back then apartments in Auckland City were only just being built, these days thanks to the housing crisis they are cropping up everywhere. There's one right there with green glass at the end of the street. I guess people have to live somewhere right?

I've been doing some serious overtime at work lately. Apparently the store manager is expecting some of the big corporate people visiting this week so everyone has been working extra hours to get jobs done, which explains why I haven't been online as much as I usually am. Hopefully after this week things can get back to normal.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's Signs.


gz said...

No, I couldn't live in a block like that!!...or work either.

Tom said...

...I'm glad to have space around me.

magiceye said...

In Mumbai we are happy to have some space to live in!

local alien said...

The red building has plenty of windows and that square in front. I wouldn't mind living there or working

s.c said...

What always strikes me is that there are so few people walking around in your photos in urban areas. Surely New Zealand must be sparsely populated.

Iris Flavia said...

First off: Great banner.
And the other - I hope you get payed! I did it wrong and did not...

Paspii said...

I´ve been living appartment buildings all my life. But there´s plenty of Mother Nature to enjoy nearby in every place I lived in. Am not complaining but it would be nice to live in single family house with garden. But then again; I´m very lazy so all the snow shovelling in winter and garden jobs in summer would be a pain in the butt. I´m happy where I am.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

It seems like there is a worldwide housing crisis.
How did things get this way?

Slabs said...

High rises are at the order of the day due to the high cost of land and it getting less and less to build and work on.
I visited you via Skywatch Friday. My entry is #18+20.
You can join the WW Words Welcome Wednesday

Lisa said...

Not for me, but if you work in the city it must be very convenient. There are some buildings here with businesses on the ground floor, apartments on floors above. Not just for the business owners.

Photo Cache said...

Looks very clean.

Worth a Thousand Words

rupam sarma said...

Great captured

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Looks like it's getting quite built up. The extra money from overtime should be nice!!

thomas lee said...

life looks slow and easy here

Fun60 said...

An apartment block isn't for me but one's I have visited have surprised me with the space and size of rooms.

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...