Monday, 29 April 2024



We may be in mid Autumn here but my vegetable garden has been busy. Above is the harvest of cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, parsley, oregano and thyme that was ready last week. Most of it I gave away to friends in need. 

If you can get this one where you live it is well worth it. It's a type of miniature spinach named "bright lights" and it goes all year round. I've had people tell me they can't grow this stuff, it's easy really. Everything compostable goes into the soil; eggshells, tea bags, vegetable and fruit scraps, ash from the fire, grass clippings, blood and bone. 

Tiger isn't impressed with the nights that are gradually getting colder. We are forecasted for 5 degree celsius nights this week. I visited my doctor last week and got my annual flu vaccination but my son has just gotten over covid for the 4th time and my daughter has it now for the 2nd time. 

Linking up with Through my lensTuesday TreasuresMy corner of the world and Wordless Wednesday.


doodles n daydreams said...

What a great harvest and good to have enough to give away as well.

Veronica Lee said...

Your vegetable garden looks amazing, Amy!
It's great that you're able to give away produce to friends.
Hope Tiger gets used to the colder nights soon.
Sorry to hear about your family's battles with COVID.
Wishing your son and daughter a quick recovery.

Fun60 said...

Your veggies look amazing. Covid is still here we must keep up to date with our vaccinations.

roentare said...

Beautiful images in deed

local alien said...

Your vegetables are wonderful. You must be a great gardener.

s.c said...

I agree with Fun60. Those greens really shine you with health. Wonderful.

gz said...

I will have a look for that variety of Rainbow Chard...the usual varieties grow so big that it's a job to keep up with them!!

Paspii said...

Cats do love warmth. Tiger looks bit peed off. Pardon my France.

Tom said...

...truly treasures!

NCSue said...

Thanks for sharing at

Autumn skies

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