Sunday, 17 March 2024



Another colourful utility box I spotted near the centre of town. This one features green and pink Kiwifruit (as we call it here). Painted by local artist Mark Haldane aja Raja. Edited to add: I don't think pink Kiwifruit exist but red does, anyway it's probably how the artist has painted them.

Linking up with Mural Monday.


Tom said... appropriate mural.

Fun60 said...

I do like these colourful utility boxes.

local alien said...

Another great mural

roentare said...

My family are fans of kiwifruit.

gz said...

Much nicer than plain paint...and handy if you are giving directions to someone.."just past the Kiwifruit box then turn off" ?!

s.c said...

Ha the top native fruit of New Zealand.

Sharon said...

I like that one!

GreenComotion said...

Lovely visual taste for all who love Kiwis. We get one from Costco here called Golden Kiwi, which may be similar to the Pink Kiwi, if not the same.
Thank you for sharing your photos with all of us.
Be well!

Mae Travels said...

Good street art. We started seeing kiwifruit here around 40 years ago, and now it is everywhere, though I haven’t encountered a pink one.
best, mae at

Jim said...

Good work.

magiceye said...

Utility box utilized wisely!

Iris Flavia said...

I found Kiwi here you can eat whole. Was strange! A Kiwi did my Aussie tattoos. Funny, huh. He added a Kiwi (for free).

Sami said...

Very sweet box. Artists are allowed to "invent" pink kiwis, lol.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Amy.

rupam sarma said...

Amazing works

Autumn skies

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