Saturday, 16 March 2024



Different foods from ethnicities here seems to be popular and I can see why - European food can be bland and boring. My favourite food types are Turkish, Vietnamese and Japanese. An old photo from our days in Kerikeri.

Weather forecast for this week.

Autumn has really hit here. Last night we had a low of 3 degrees celsius, normally that is a Winter temperature. We have just put the electric blanket on the bed and mucking around with our mattresses as B's back is forever moaning and groaning. Personally I think he's getting old (he will be 60 this year) and as we all know as you get older your body starts to complain. I've started wearing socks to bed and so far we have had only 1 cat on the bed with us at night but don't think it will be long before the others will be doing the same. Here we only get snow on the mountains, we don't get snow in the streets or anywhere else and it's more of a dry cold not like when we lived in Northland where it was very damp. 

Linking up with Weekend Reflections and the Weekend Roundup.


Bipolaroid said...

Kebabs are so Good!

Iris Flavia said...

I am SO with you on the food! Darn it. I was in the city and did get nothing from NAMASTE - I blame it to jetlag!!!
Wow that is COLD!!!!
Yes. Ingo turns 60 next year also. The years just speed by, huh?
If you are as lazy as I am, this is what I answered on your comment on FFO:

I like it, too! In our company we live it! :-)
What do you mean by "fb", you know my FB-account - do you mean e-mail? That would be flaviakaiser @ - I´d love to learn from NZ on this!

roentare said...

On overcast days, I tend to visit waterfalls or creeks. Good for water photography

doodles n daydreams said...

We haven't turned the electric blanket on yet but I've got the winter sheets on the bed. 4 degrees here last night and another cool blustery day today, but thankfully no rain as yet. 😊

magiceye said...

Spice is the catalyst to live it up!

local alien said...

I'm just starting to sleep without the electric blanket here lol. The seasons are changing
I get very bored with Greek food. At least there will be seasonal changes there too. Would love a Chinese or Indian.

Jim said...


Fun60 said...

Turkish food is one of my favourite cuisines.

Tom said...

...I love Kebabs too!

Sharon said...

I hope that isn't a sign the summer will arrive early here. We had a rainy day all day yesterday and it cooled back to full winter temperatures. However it looks like next week we will be getting back up to the 80's.

Jim said...

I pretty well stick to American food, like New England stuff the best, Tex Mex is next. I cook or assemble hot dogs, make meatballs and spaghetti, cook egg, cheese, and ham sandwiches, embellish Raman noodle soup in a serving box, eat a granola bar (just one of the two in the package), for breakfast, and the like. And can follow recipes for most anything else.

Veronica Lee said...

Your fave food types are mine too!
Our taste buds are kindred spirits, Amy!

Hugs and blessings

Autumn skies

  Sunset over the Grey River Photo taken by me on the way home one night around 8pm after work - Autumn sunset over the Grey River. We'v...