Thursday, 10 August 2023


It seems we've had a rather mild Winter so far. Sure, we've had the odd night where it's been 1 or 2 degrees celsius but for the most part the lowest we've had is about 5 or 6. Last week after being woken up early by B snoring, I got up to prepare my morning coffee only to find Bruno (one of our cats) was sitting on the carpet absolutely covered in mud. We had no idea what he had done or where he had been but I ended up putting the shower on warm and washing him with pet friendly shampoo. I don't think he was impressed at all.

 If you have cats like us you should buy powdered cat nip which we can get online or in most pet shops here. Once in a while we rub it on their toys and usually they go nuts. We recorded Mr Cat (above).

And Floki had a rather formidable visit with the vet last week after a large lump turned up on his cheek, because it was so close to his eye they prescribed a course of anti-biotics and now he's back to his normal young mischevious self.

Btw this post is in memory of Tigger - RIP lovely boy.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and All Seasons.


Tom said... have a rather mild winter.

Pauline said...

Thanks for the cute video. Cats can be very amusing. You seem to have adjusted to the cooler climate very easily!

roentare said...

The ski resorts high up in Mt Buller has all snow melted. Struggling to make a buck.

local alien said...

A lovely little video. Your cat is a very happy cat

s.c said...

What we all do for our cat(s). Nice.

Tigger's Mum said...

Mud Bruno - what have you been doing? Bog snorkelling? Thank you for sharing the news of Tigger. We have received so many kind words that it has been truly humbling. I can't wait for a day when I can think about loving him without it being physically, chest crushingly painful. It is beginning to subside a little, but we haven't got his ashes back yet.... We have made an offer on some land in NZ and my plan it to plant kowhais over his scattered ashes there when we build on it. I will be able to tend that place always, and his trees will give support to wildlife.

Bill said...

Wonderful cat video. Cats just want to have fun and catnip adds to their craziness. :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Sweet kitties... we used to always have a cat before we retired; our last were two Siamese who were fun to watch together -- I never heard of powdered catnip -- what a great idea!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Cats are kind of picky and aloof and it is fun to see them let loose with catnip.

Pisi Prkl said...

Washing a cat sounds more easy what it is. Almost every cat hates it. And they´re usually very loud in their protest against it. And that catnip makes cats go all crazy. Fun stuff.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Enjoyed the sky view and the cat video. We have catmint growing in our garden and it does not seem to attract any cats.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Cats will be cats. That's a very cute video!

Lydia C. Lee said...

Our winter has been very mild. To the point that it's concerning. I was celebrating beeing in a sundress and birkies and then realised it was actually probably a terrible thing....climate wise. Thanks for sharing with #Allseasons

William Kendall said...

Poor Bruno. Not a bath!

Veges, eggs and crochet

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