Tuesday, 8 August 2023


Living on the corner of a main road into town and a quiet one that meanders past the local golf course down to the Grey River we are use to seeing trucks like this go by. There is a factory on the outskirts of Hokitika that makes butter, I've never tried this particular brand though - mind you dairy products here cost horrendously through the roof. I think a pound of butter is over $5 nzd now and milk is around $3 for a smaller bottle. 

I've had the last week off from work and I did say to my boss that if she got absolutely desperate with people calling in sick she could call me. What a surprise I had when I did get a phone call last Sunday asking me to come in but because I had a snotty nose I said no. Apparently the same people call in sick every week - what's up with that? 

Our general elections are due later this year too and cue the expected bickering, name calling and finger pointing from all parties, especially then making promises that we know they can't and won't keep. Sometimes I wish they would just do their jobs rather than acting like children.

Linking up with Through my lensTuesday TreasuresMy corner of the world and Wordless Wednesday.


Tigger's Mum said...

Remarkable prices for cheese too - in a country of so much dairy milk.... I'm old but I can remember milk at 4c a pint!

roentare said...

New Zealand cost of living is way more severe than Australia here.

Bill said...

Milk here is between €1-1.50 a litre.

The Happy Whisk said...

Hope you're feeling better now. Yeah, the last job I had (for a very short time before getting the heck outta there), there were certain people that were no call, no show and these kids weren't fired. Insane. I dunno. Just odd to me. Got a new job now though that I love. Have a great rest of your week. Cheers, Ivy.

Pauline said...

I'm fed up with all the rubbish those politicians are sprouting about the upcoming elections. And how many weeks away are they? I think I'll be nuts by then. Hope you're well again now.

gz said...

Butter here is $6 for 250g..and quite a few are reducing the pack size to 200g.
Food price inflation looks to be global.

Anonymous said...

We have local elections in a couple of months. Any elections become so annoying. Their claims and promises are so false and just go on and on. Patience!

Tom said...

...some people want a job, but don't want to work.

Lydia C. Lee said...

That's interesting about the dairy being expensive - everything seems to be at the moment. I guess with COVID everyone is a little over cautious....#MCoW

NCSue said...

I thought the U.S. was the only legislature on earth where members of both parties act like escaped nursery school children! If businesses ran like Congress, the entire world economy would collapse.
Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2023/08/wordy-wednesday-this-week.html

Pisi Prkl said...

Our politicians are fighting so hard it´s on news even in foreign countries. Openly rasist rightwing politicians blamed the Media for it. They don´t see the blame in the mirror. Stupid punch of sob`s.

s.c said...

Wow good header and politics trouble. It seems to be a sign of the times that everywhere the political climate is collapsing or becoming unstable to say the least.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Politics -- same everywhere I think. Worse here though lately. Also the same everywhere probably about some people taking advantage (calling in sick every week for example). How do people live with themselves? Hope you're all well from your cold.

William Kendall said...

To me, it seems the same people calling in sick is very suspicious. Drinking problems, perhaps?

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...