Sunday, 7 August 2022


A few streets away from our house there is a local takeaways named Parky's, I'm guessing it's the owners name and although I don't eat fish and chips etc my children and B think they have really nice food. Can you see the words that say "The longest drink in town" on a milkshake cup, that's a well known icon here and has been for years.

Linking up with Mural Monday.


Tom said...

...a place that I would try!

Iris Flavia said...

Even the giraffe cannot reach the milkshake!
I´d be in in no time, hmmmm, burger!
Great mural.

local alien said...

Nice bright mural. And good food!!

Pauline said...

That's an exterior that would tempt me to see the interior. So bright and cheerful!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I like how they have included the electrical poles in the design. Clever, funny, and a bit quirky. Glad you shared it with us Amy.

magiceye said...

Attractive enough to lure in customers!

Sami said...

Quite a cute mural. I love fish and chips 🤒. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Amy.

Jackie McGuinness said...

A place I would definitely give a try!! Fun mural.

Sharon said...

That is a cute one and perfect for the business.

NatureFootstep said...

hm, not sure this makes me hungry. :)

Alice said...

Eye-catching advertising, I'd stop in for a milkshake

William Kendall said...

A milkshake would suit me.

csuhpat1 said...

That looks like a super cool place to go to.


  I discovered a utility box outside my workplace that has been painted with different coloured fish. Just down the road is the fishing port...