Saturday, 6 August 2022


Vaping seems to be the "in thing" these days doesn't it and I've noticed in different towns that Vape Shops are sprouting up here and there. I don't get the interest in it but then I also know that friends who use to be smokers now vape. Are the health benefits or dangers any different than smoking? I just don't know.

Linking up with Weekend reflections and the Weekend roundup.


Iris Flavia said...

I think it´s unhealthy, too.
I admit I smoked over 20 years ago, too - how dumb and expensive. As hubby did. We both quit. He started with a pipe 2 years ago and keeps promising to let it go (and doesn´t).
I miss nothing and am astonished, too! So expensive and young people you find everywhere smoking real cigarettes. E-ones seem to be for the... haha, hurts to write... more "mature" ones here...

Tom said...

...with all the negative information, I will NEVER understand this vaping thing!!!

Klara said...

nobody knows :-)

James said...

I've been seeing less vaping lately. I don't know anything about it either.

Jim said...

I probably wouldn't vape. I I still smoked I might try a Turkish water pipe for social times.
I switched to a pipe when I had a constant sore throat. After a few years of that I got a lip sore that wouldn't heal so I switched again, this time to chewing tobacco and dipping snuff. That was so nasty that I just quit. That was over 40 years ago.
But I still get an instant over tobacco smoke or heavy perfume. The perfume makes me itch too.
Thanks for peeking in on me for my "E's".

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Those shops here always look kind of sleazy and sad. They are trying in this State anyway to get stricter laws, because the scented stuff they use are attracting too many kids -- I don't think it is good for anyone.


  A scene in Greymouth. The lady in the middle was using a walker and the 2 on either side of her were keeping an eye on her, nice to see pe...