Thursday, 4 August 2022

It's sunshine!

Now that we are at the middle of Winter surprisingly enough we've had a few days of sunshine in amongst the rainy days. So far we've been living in Greymouth 4 months and it feels like it's been a very mild season.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday and Tom's signs.


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love that it is the middle of winter for you because it is the middle for summer for us and the weather is brutal. So I have hope!!

local alien said...

Lovely winter photo. Hope the winter continues mild.

Iris Flavia said...

Looks wonderful.... for a winter´s day! ;-)

Tom said...

...I would gladly trade you a few sunny days for a rainy day.

Jim said...

Good shot.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Pretty sky. It looks like you have the little town all to yourself!

Photo Cache said...

Looks like a perfect time to visit that spot, it's empty.

Visiting from Skywatch Friday!

Worth a Thousand Words

Barbara Rogers said...

GOod combination of signs and sky! No people!

Light and Voices said...

Does it snow there? I don't see snow. We have snow here in Illinois. Lots of it. And cold weather too. Looks like a good time to visit there. Not to hot. Not to cold. Am I right or wrong?


  A scene in Greymouth. The lady in the middle was using a walker and the 2 on either side of her were keeping an eye on her, nice to see pe...