Thursday, 8 July 2021


Occasionally when I venture out with B for his work, he'll stop somewhere and I'll use the moment to take photos of the surrounding scenery. More often than not it's farms we can see - this one is in Kaikohe on the outskirts of town. A handful of old shacks, bare trees, a damp feeling in the air, some disused buildings and a marae is what we normally see.

Most of our days here begin with temperatures of around 4-6 degrees celsius, the winter pyjamas and clothing has come out of hiding and we are finding little cupboard clearing out things to do on our days off. In the search for more dinner plates we discovered that we don't have enough and we will have to buy some more.

We have been invited to B's best friend's wedding next year in Melbourne, that in itself is going to require some we still have to quarantine if we've been vaccinated, how long do we go for in case the travel bubble closes and we get stuck. Lots to think about...

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Tom said...

...this could be in my next of the woods!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Life does seem to require more planning these days -- (how many chances do we want to take in our everyday life?). But it is still a beautiful world, as your picture shows!

magiceye said...

Looks very idyllic. Travel now has changed so much!

William Kendall said...

A peaceful view.

Tigger's Mum said...

Corrugated iron - the iconic Kiwi rural building. When my bro built his new house (rural) he got the architects to design one clad with corrugated iron. It looks fabulous.

Pauline said...

It might be cold but the countryside is looking really good at the moment. Travel isn't as simple as it used to be, is it? I really, really want to attend my great aunt's 100th birthday celebrations in August in Brisbane but somehow don't think I will make it. I'll pray that they don't have a lockdown that spoils it for her.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Lovely rural view. I think our trip to Sydney this year might be off too Amy, especially as NSW don't seem to be able to get their act together ✨

Graham Edwards said...

You've reminded me of a wonderful exhibition of 'wrinkly tin' at Hastings Museum and Art Gallery some years ago: such an iconic material.

Iris Flavia said...

Brrrrr.... cold indeed. Oh, I haven´t been in the country for ages. Well, actually this month it´s one year I last saw my family.
Good luck with Melbourne. Argh, Ingo is very pessimistic about if or when we can come to Perth again. I hope he is wrong and it will be soon... when there is summer!

At Home In New Zealand said...

Hopefully you will be able to get to Melbourne alright - and then come home again!

Bill said...

Beautiful scene, looks very peaceful. Good luck in planning for Melbourne.

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely idyllic photo ~ glad you are keeping warm ~ good luck with planning Melbourne trip ` Covid wreaked havoc with everything ~ sigh ~ Xo

Dancing while I can,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Spare Parts and Pics said...

It looks like a beautiful farm. I like the old fence. These sure are complex times we live in!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

The variants are coming to Oklahoma and still many people won't get vaccinated here for political reasons. So my wife and I are talking about what we need to do to protect ourselves.

Jocelyn said...

Lovely view!

Light and Voices said...

Greetings and Salutations! My husband and I had a choice of going to Australia and New Zealand but at the time the phone company was going on strike. Should we go? Should we stay? We stayed because of not knowing the money situation when we got back. As hindsight, we should have gone. Memories are far more valuable than things. It is your choice. A hard one because of health issues. Sleep on it. Perhaps insight will be there in the morning. Sigh. Take care. I really enjoy your blog.

Megan Gutsell said...

If you get stuck send me a message :) We might be in Brisbane by that point but we'll have a spare room you could occupy until flights are available. Will save a small fortune in hotels. With a bit of luck our Gov will stop quarantining people in our over congested cities, haha and these outbreaks will have less of an impact to everyday life.

Car Chargers

  These eco-friendly car chargers are cropping up everywhere all over the country for those people who have electric cars. Not my thing but ...