Sunday, 15 November 2020

Kaeo Connectivity

 Is anyone else having problems with Blogger at the moment? It all started with me trying to add a new blog link but for some reason the widget I'm using within the theme won't save or do anything. Until I get it sorted out I've had to remove my blog links and will try putting them up again shortly, so if you don't see your blog in my favourites don't worry I'll still come visit everyone.

Anyway, my contribution for this week's Monday Mural is this illustration I saw in Kaeo just after Winter this year.  Someone has painted these colourful words on the side of a public loo next to the local playground. I haven't managed to find who the artist is but the words are about family connections, whanau (family), coming together and connectivity. It certainly brightens up the small town.

Kia kaha.


Tom said... sounds like I'm lucky to not be using any widgets, I'm still trying to figure out the new Blogger. There's no missing this one.

Susan Heather said...

Your blog reminds me that we haven't ventured north this year at all. Must try and do it before Christmas.

Graham Edwards said...

It's only when you come away from New Zealand that you realise just how many public toilets New Zealand has compared with so many other places. The UK is beginning to catch up with the murals though - particularly in cities.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful colours in this one Amy πŸ’›πŸ’š I think we're all struggling a bit with the new blogger, we just have to persevere πŸ˜‰

Sharon said...

I like it. They've done a good job of matching up the colors used all around the playground.

local alien said...

No more than the usual problems with blogger. Honestly I don't why they just dont go back to the old set up. This one just makes more work and is damned annoying!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

A beautiful mural. I love the messages.

blogger is driving me crazy. I only use it for the skywatch friday meme and I inherited it for somebody else so I don't have control over all the various settings but it resets me in Australia every week and if don't manually put myself back in Tulsa then the timing breaks down.

I've had several elderly bloggers ask me for help because the photographs don't work like they used to. I am not much help unfornately.

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely mural photos ~ gorgeous colors ~ always something with blogger ~

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

At Home In New Zealand said...

I was trying to add a blog-link this morning and it wouldn't work either.
I do so love the way so many of our public facilities are decorated these days.

Amy said...

Good to know it's not just me then...

Amy said...

I feel like they need to bring in into the modern age, it's almost like it's sort of still stuck in the 90s.

Bill said...

A beautiful mural and I love the colours, they match up with the play area well.

Iris Flavia said...

It sure doubles the value with the happy colors.
Is anyone happy with the new blogger? (insert ironic laugh)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm starting to see a few of these loo murals in the states. This is very colorful. It's a great find.

I'm having the exact same problem in blogger. I'm so glad to read I'm not alone.

Sami said...

Quite a colourful mural Amy and it matches the colours in the playground too. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.
I seem to have trouble with photo uploading and with the sizing of the letters. When I revert to draft every sentence seems to go to different sizes and fonts. Then I have to put it back to normal and save again....


  Last week my daughter and I decided to check out a new op shop that had opened in town. It was ok, she bought a few things but I didn'...