Thursday, 12 November 2020

Sitting quietly

 Lately since the beginning of Covid Ive wondered what the world is coming to. What happened to common sense, it doesn't appear to exist anymore. It seems we have a few cases here this week one of which a person apparently was feeling unwell and after attempting to call in sick to work was told by their manager to come in anyway, despite having being tested and awaiting results. Boggles my with tomorrow being a day off I'm going spend my day in my garden putting new plants in and enjoying the colours and scents. Anything to get away from the world's stupidity.

Kia kaha. Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful sky!
Who knows when or if some people start using their brain again...

Tom said...

...many are not taking this health crisis seriously.

Red said...

People have become far too selfish. We have also become tired of keeping our vigil. People have become tired of staying in. However, I'm in my 80's and I will definitely follow the rules.

local alien said...

That is crazy!! Keep to your garden. You've got such a wonderful variety of plants

Bill said...

There are problems like that here too. People are just not taking caution and still expect to do what they want. Crazy!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Pretty sky and photo!
I am not sure why people will not follow simple precautions for their health and for others.
It is crazy! Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great weekend ahead!

William Kendall said...

There is a lot of stupidity out there.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Common sense went out the window years ago when they came out with Health & Safety

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Sad that there are so many knuckleheads out there! Working in your garden and enjoying the outdoors is a great idea.

Jim said...

Good sky.

carol l mckenna said...

Awesome sky shot!

Live each moment with love,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Susan Heather said...

I just don't feel like going out to events as one doesn't know if someone from Auckland (or elsewhere) could be spreading Covid. I am amazed at how few people seem to be using the Covid app to scan in.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

It's good to get away from things these days. There is a constant tension in me and without diversions I would go crazy.
That said, if you want to see stupid, come to Oklahoma, USA and I will show you stupid.

Pisi Prkl said...

In my hometown Lahti, Finland people refuse to wear masks. Many times I´m only one that wears it. Feeling kinda stupid at times. But am so gonna keep it.

Jutta.K. said...

I like this photo very much
And here in Germany there are also unfortunately a lot of ignoramuses and stupid people !! My sky

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

looks so peaceful

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful sky Amy and yes some people are acting so irresponsibly ✨

Sharon said...

Wow, perfectly stated! It's something to bothers me too. I'm so glad that my parents carefully taught me and my sisters to think for ourselves and to analyze things. I can still hear him say "use your common sense" and "think about that". I learned to do just that.

NatureFootstep said...

that manager should lose his job!
I´m glad you have your garden to rest in. :)


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