Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Revisit to Puketi Forest

When we first moved up here to the far north we visited a well known Kauri forest named Puketi Forest or Manginagina native Kauri walk

Kauri trees here in NZ are highly thought of and protected so most walks like this that contain them have cleaning stations at the entry.

The walk runs around in a 15-20 minute loop from start to finish with many native plants and trees plus vegetation on the forest floor. It's very quiet and luckily while we were there yesterday we were the only ones.

Native fern fronds are also known as our silver fern (Ponga or Mamaku) and can grow up to 20 metres high.

At various turns around the walk there are signs up detailing the history of the area and of the trees. When the first settlers came here in the 1800s many Kauri trees were sadly cut down and used for building but the gum was used for trading.

 As well as Kauri other trees also grow here such as Taraire, Kohekohe, Towai and Northern Rata. Birds such as Fantails, Kokako, North Island Brown Kiwi, Kukupa, Pied Tit, Tui, Grey Warbler, Shining Cuckoo and Kingfisher also live here so it's very important for our wildlife.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday, Tuesday Treasures, Through my lens and My corner of the world.


eileeninmd said...


I would love this beautiful walk in the forest. The trees are lovely, pretty ferns. Wonderful photos!
Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

An amazing wood to walk in with so many beautiful plants and trees.

Fun60 said...

Looks very different from other forests.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Stunning, what a beautiful place to visit

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Wow, what a great place to visit!!

Susan Heather said...

We haven't done this walk - must put it on the list.

b.c. said...

what fantastic trees and i love the names of the birds you just listed

Graham Edwards said...

Wonderful, wonderful places are Kauri forests. It's good to see this one.

At Home In New Zealand said...

So many kauri forests were closed when I visited last year, so I am happy to see this one operational. The boardwalks and cleaning stations are a great idea to help these amazing trees combat the dreaded kauri die-back disease.

kwarkito said...

What an incredible and wonderful path in the heart of this luxuriant vegetation. It is absolutely magnificent. And the trunks of these tall trees, these delicate ferns so high, all shine. Thank you for this walk

Tom said...

...the Puketi Forest is one of nature's many treasures. I visit this magical place often, thanks for taking me along. Take care Amy and I hope that you are having a wonderful week.

Bill said...

A wonderful place to walk and explore. Very pretty!

William Kendall said...

What a beautiful place for a hike!

Yvonne said...

Looks like it would be a very calming and beautiful forest to spend some time in.

Veronica Lee said...

I would absolutely enjoy a walk in this enchanting forest!

Love the photos!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Pauline said...

You got some really delightful shots of Puketi Forest, Amy. It's hard to capture the feeling of serenity one gets in the bush, but you do it.

betty-NZ said...

What a gorgeous part of the country to visit! It makes you feel a bit insignificant when you learn how long some of those trees have been growing! Lovely photos of your visit.

I'm so happy to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!


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