Monday, 5 October 2020

Pillars of the earth

 I walk past this mural most days just inside the gates of one of our local primary schools and finally got a decent photo. I haven't been able to work out who painted this one but it depicts the sun rising over the land the some of the Maori words say: "Where is the pillar of the earth", "The pillar of acceptance is the earth", "The mountain is dark" and "Who longs for the river". 

Linking up with Mural Monday.


Mae Travels said...

The spiral in the wave is a very Maori motif — it’s wonderful to see it in this context. As I understand the spiral, the origin is the opening frond of the fern. Beautiful mural!

be well... mae at

gz said...

Beautiful work

Tom said...

...a wonderful message and great graphics.

At Home In New Zealand said...


Tigger's Mum said...

Another great mural on your blog. You must live surrounded by great creativity.

local alien said...

A nice mural for the school

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This is quite stunning. I love that it includes the Maori words and symbols, too.

Iris Flavia said...

It´s very beautiful!

Sami said...

Beautiful mural Amy, thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love all of this ....the beautiful art, the messages which I can really relate to, and that you translated them for us. Thank you! (And the last saying is motivating me to go outside right now and walk to our river.]

Bill said...

The mural is beautiful and I like the message. Thanks for translating it.
Have a wonderful day and a great new week.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

A beautiful and inspiring mural Amy 💙


Photo of a part of Greymouth near the Grey River taken around 8pm at night so not many people around. It's been a funny week so far. I...