Thursday, 8 October 2020

Planting and voting

 Our town has about 8 waterfalls in total - this photo is part of the track that leads to one of them: "Charlie's Rock" which we visited in 2018.  I can see the pink Spring blossoms near the bend in the river and the Toi Tois on the right with their big white plumes - those things when the wind blows them give me hayfever.

At the moment we have our country's general elections about to happen so the different parties have been visiting towns around NZ on their campaign trails. After the voting booths opened last weekend we chose to vote early before the big day in 2 Saturdays time. Neither B nor I do crowds so it was nice and quiet for us. But we have had perfect sunny Spring days so on my days off I have been out in the garden planting new Osteospermums, Lavender and Daisies I've bought online, those are plants I know that will handle the Summer heat well. 

Linking up with Skywatch Friday, Weekend Roundup and Weekend Reflections.


At Home In New Zealand said...

You have reminded me I need to get out and vote as well. I don't like crowds either :)

Rhonda Albom said...

I passed by two polling locations on a drive to my local shopping mall. One was in the mall. Voting is so easy here.

b.c. said...

that's a pretty scene...good luck with the elections!

Fun60 said...

It looks a prettylace. I am hoping for some dry weather so I can get my bulbs planted.

local alien said...

Good luck with your summer plants. I wonder how your summer will be. With plenty of rain I hope

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I voted by mail last week.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That's beautiful!! Good luck on your voting. Our election is a total dumpster fire.

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful scene and yay for voting early. We can do on THE one day or per letter...

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous water shot and good luck with voting ~

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

William Kendall said...

A peaceful scene.

We're not due for any election, though our federal government at the moment is a minority one, so one never knows if a snap election gets called.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

That's a pretty shot. Glad you are enjoying great weather. We are voting here too.

Bill said...

That's a pretty scene. I would love to see the waterfalls and you have eight of them, that's great. Good luck on the election. I just read that you beat covid for the second time. Yay for NZ. Our whole country is on level 3 but I'm thinking we will eventually go to another lockdown. Too many people and too many contacts. Most of the cases are people between 30-40 years old.

Pauline said...

I voted yesterday, it's so easy to do this year. But I got very cross with the old lady (probably my age but grumpy with it) who gave me my papers along with a lecture on social distancing. I politely suggested perhaps she could wear a mask. Grumpiness must be contagious! Did you get any photos of Charlie's Rock falls?

Amy said...

Sounds like the lady needed reminding what being kind means. I posted photos of the waterfall here:

Pisi Prkl said...

It´s painful to watch.

Sharon said...

As I'm sure you know, we have a big election coming up in a few weeks. I'll be doing the same as you. I'm going to vote today.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Charlie's Rock is gorgeous Amy, what a lovely sight the waterfalls are. Hope the elections go the way you would prefer ✨

Amy said...

Yes, we have been keeping up with the shenanigans from here.

Tom said...

...I hope that your election is more peaceful than ours will be!

James said...

What a beautiful pic!

Jade Mountain

  Near the centre of Greymouth shopping district there is this sculpture featuring a 2 tonne piece of Jade aka Pounamu. The West Coast where...