Monday, 27 July 2020

Kaeo Spice Grill Mural

I was out at Kaeo a couple of weeks ago taking photos of some historical places and saw this mural on the side of the Spice Grill Indian Takeaways Restaurant. I've tried finding out who the artist is but all I can make out on the bottom left looks something like "Firka"?!? but it accurately says "we all have our own packets to bear" which I took to mean "burdens".

We were out in the boat today but we weren't too successful in catching anything worthy, the other half caught loads of baby snapper which he threw back and I caught what looked like a 1 metre shark which also got let go. Normally Winter is quiet with not many other boaties out there but today it looked like we weren't the only ones not having much luck.

Linking up with Mural Monday and Our World Tuesday.


Bertiebo said...

That's very true. We do indeed

Iris Flavia said...

Not a fish-person. Hubby once accidentailly caught a blow-fish in Carnarvon, Western Australia, eeek.
But I LOVE Indian food :-)

Tigger's Mum said...

I love the lines of that art, and the spartan use of colour. Thanks for keeping your eyes open wherever you go.

Tom said...

...a great one, yes we all have burdens to bear.

Graham Edwards said...

That's the second post in a row I've read with a mural. I'm so glad they are becoming even more popular. The though behind that one is so true as well. I haven't been out fishing for the best part of 40 years. I think that it was the last time that we came up against a basking shark which decided to rub itself along the boat which was considerably smaller than the shark.

Sami said...

Pretty mural, and yes we all have our crosses to bear.
Love Indian food too :)
Thanks for participating Amy.

Sharon said...

That's an interesting mural. I'd say she has quite a load. Too bad about the fishing.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well done spotting the mural Amy 💛 Bad luck with the fishing though, next time yeh 😉

Susan Heather said...

Have stopped at Spice Grill and had their Mango Lassi - delicious.

Bill said...

What a nice mural and a heavy load. As for fishing there is always next time. :)

Fun60 said...

The mural is perfectly sited there, making the most of that space.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry I'm late visiting. I've been fighting keeping my internet going. It went down Monday and my provider sent someone out Tuesday to work on the problem. Now I'm finally back online.

This is a lovely mural, Amy. I agree with the sentiment on it, too. You found a good one, indeed.

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