Saturday, 25 July 2020

A mixed bag

Since I only work 2 days a week usually Saturday and Sunday I make it a mission to get out for a minor road trip at least once a week. A few days ago I was up in Totara North and before I drove home I stopped along the Purerua Peninsula to admire the views in the distance of the coastline around the Bay of Islands. I had planned to find one of the many local Maraes but in the end had no luck so once I got home I checked the address on google maps and found I had driven past the road it is on so I will try and find it next week.

We have decided our next holiday away in 2021 will be in Napier in the Hawkes Bay of NZ. My grandmother and her family came from there and many of them are buried in some of the cemeteries so apart from taking photos of many of the art deco buildings there I will be paying my respects to them. In case you didn't know Napier was the place of a major earthquake in 1931 measuring 7.8 on the richter scale. My grandmother told me when she was alive that she was at school when it happened, she had to hide under a desk with the other students.  Must've been quite a scary experience. '

Hope your week has been good. Kia kaha. 


At Home In New Zealand said...

You will love Napier and Hastings. The Hawkes Bay is a great place to visit :)

Tom said...

...when I owned my nursery, I always made sure my employee had the plants that they wanted!

local alien said...

Good that you can get away and see different places and take photos for us. That photo of road and sea looks so typically nz

Bill said...

Your holiday next year sounds interesting.
About our summer temps you asked about, they can range from 12C to around 20C. We don't experience 20 too many times. We had one day with 19C so far this year.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Now I thought you would have a Satnav for your car, makes life a little easier

Sharon said...

A road trip sounds so appealing to me right now. I would love to get in the car and just drive.

DawnTreader said...

Nice to have something too look forward to. Thanks to a certain other blogging friend I actually do know a bit about Napier even though I've never been to NZ myself. In the distant past Before Blogging (like around twelve years ago), I don't think the name would would have rung a bell with me at all. Just goes to show that blogging broadens our views! :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I love little road trips. I have been sticking home due to pandemic but if I pack my lunch and some water I should be good for an hour or two outing.

Amy said...

Not in my car but I do use google maps alot, this time it was kind of a spur of the moment decision to find the marae, not something I planned. Once I got home I did find directions to get there.

Amy said...

oh we do have the plants I wanted but they were alot cheaper online.

NatureFootstep said...

You live in a beautiful place. There has bee a tv serie about NA lately where I live. Much interesting places there.

Susan Heather said...

Love Hawkes Bay.

Tigger's Mum said...

You certainly make sure you know your country (remember that campaign years ago 'don't leave home til you've seen the country' ?). Being from the deep south i never saw enough of your far north and enjoy your blogs.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That will be a wonderful holiday. We did a similar thing when visited the State of Kentucky where my mother was born and my grandmother and many of my ancestors are buried. Makes history so interesting and personal. ..... and in the meantime, before your vacation, I look forward to your shares of your more local history and scenic beauty.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

A good week by the sound of it Amy. How nice to have a holiday to look forward to, I like the sound of the Art Deco buildings 💛 and as you say, pay respect your family.

Pauline said...

I'm enjoying your outings around the north, Amy. Hope to get up there again before too long. You will love Napier and the surrounding area, there's so much to see and do. It's a photographer's paradise.


  A scene in Greymouth. The lady in the middle was using a walker and the 2 on either side of her were keeping an eye on her, nice to see pe...