Wednesday, 29 July 2020

The Wedge - Rawene

Last time we were up in Rawene I took a photo of this unusual building on the corner of 2 streets while I admired the different bright colours.  Apparently it was built in the late 1940s to be used as a 2 storey joinery workshop and it's known as "the wedge" because of it's triangular design.

A few business have occupied different parts over the years including Prime Minister David Lange back when he was a young lawyer early in his career but nowadays it has a real estate at one end and a puzzle shop at the other.

But with a view like this why wouldn't you want to be in there?

Speaking of colour I've been out in the garden here again, I had ordered some little plants online which ended up being way less expensive than I would buy in a nursery. Because we have mostly native plants here I stuck with the theme and ordered some Hebes, some Cuphea and some Brachycome which are mostly low growing but will fill up some bare spots. When I'm out walking sometimes I pick some cuttings out of public gardens to taken home and root so when it rains I will put those out too.

We did get the go ahead from our landlord to remove a noxious plants that had self seeded everywhere, one of which is called Bear's Breeches which can grow up to 2 metres wide and high in the right places and with our garden being quite small it was taking over our lemon tree and flaxes. After digging half a dozen out there were 2 left that were stuck in corners I couldn't get to so I will wait for the other half to help when he has time.

Linking up with My Corner of the World and Wordless Wednesday.


Tom said...

...neat colors!

Susan Heather said...

I didn't realise that Acanthus was a noxious weed here. I love Rawene. That building seems to have different tenants every time we visited. The solicitor I worked for in Kaitaia had taken over David Lange's practice so I did a lot of work for Rawene.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The Wedge is an unusual piece of architecture Amy, love the colours and the fact that there's a puzzle shop there 😉 The snake I took the picture off a few posts back is the closest I've been to one, I almost stood on it 😱

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

love the colors

Sharon said...

What a great view in this spot. I love those "ice cream" colors!

Bill said...

I love that building, it looks great in the different colours.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Gardens take constant upkeep to get the weeds rooted out.

betty-NZ said...

I can see why that building caught your eye with its gorgeous colors. I have seen the weed you are removing in various places but didn't know its name, so thanks for that.

I'm so happy to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!! Thanks for linking up with us.

Veronica Lee said...

The colors are so pretty!

Happy Thursday!

At Home In New Zealand said...

What a quaint building. I love the way they have put the colours together :)

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the Wedge building is colorful. I like it! Love the pretty view! It is good you can remove that weed. Take care,stay safe! Have a great day!

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