Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Taking a breather at Coopers Beach

On Sunday the other half (who is an essential worker) and I drove briefly up to Coopers Beach which is about an hour north of us. Such an amazing beautiful coastline and with us going into Autumn right now the day was overcast but it was so good to get out to breath some ocean air. I spotted this father and son doing a spot of surf casting with their rods, it doesn't look like they caught anything as there was so much seaweed in the tide.

We stopped at the beach and I took photos of the scenery including this guy while the other half crossed the road and waited in line (with 2 metre social distancing of course) to order some fish and chips - while he bought some battered fresh fish I had some battered mussels.

Our large bird friend above is apparently a Black Backed Gull (Karoro) and was 3 times the size of the squawky seagulls.  They are known to be quite aggressive towards other birds because they apparently pick on some of the endangered species like Terns, Black Billed Gulls and the Banded Dotterils. They are not threatened at all, live for about 14 years and breed from mid October to late January - from Spring to mid Summer.

Linking up with Our World Tuesday, My Corner of the World and Wordless Wednesday.


Tom said...

...I must say that I miss being at the ocean, enjoy!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, it is nice to have your food with a view of the beach! I am sure the gulls would like the leftovers, if any. Beautiful beach scene and I love the gulls.
Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Wow, the feet on that bird are impressive ... he’s firmly planted there! There are so many different kinds of gulls. ...I’m glad you got away to the coast! Beautiful. Hope we get to do that soon.

Powell River Books said...

My dad loved to surf fish in Southern California. We would go as a family and enjoy the beach while he fished. He caught something called Corbina, a small surf fish that supposedly has a mild flavour. I remember him cooking trout while camping, but never the Corbina. - Margy

Karen said...

That's a big Gull!

Susan Heather said...

I don't think I have ever seen seaweed like that on Coopers Beach. There was a stranded whale there one day when friends were taking me up to Kaitaia. Unfortunately, it didn't make it.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Yummm - fish and chips on the beach! Always enjoyable :)

Graham Edwards said...

Black Backed Gulls are very common here and will not only terrorise other birds but will happily attack small animals and humans if they are holding anything edible. We use to have one that sat on top of the garage (a big farm building actually) and swoop down into the hen run and even attack the rooster. It is the only living creature that I have shot. The shot hit it right in the middle of the chest and the look it gave me when the blood seeped was one of total disbelief as it spread its wings and glided off the roof to its death.

Stefan Jansson said...

Fishing is a social thing they tell me. So it doesnt really matter if they got any fish!

Amy said...

We have a boat so for us it's not a social thing, it's more about catching some fresh kai (fish) which is very yummy

Sharon said...

I hear gulls love to steal fries or chips.

carol l mckenna said...

Oh so inviting and beautiful photos ~ ^_^

Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Elena Alice said...

Beautiful photos! Oh, how I miss the beach! We are heading to one in Texas this week and I can hardly wait for my infant soon to hear the waves and feel the sand between his toes for the first time!!

Here’s my recent travel post, if interested https://elle-alice.blogspot.com/2020/05/travel-tuesday-minori-to-ravello-hike.html

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Yep, that looks like a fun getaway. I love your big bird, I wish it was not such a bully.

Bill said...

A nice peaceful place to spend time fishing.

Amy said...

yes they steal pretty much everything lol they are such aggressive birds

Teresa Cypher said...

That is a big bird. Nice photo!

Ahhh... I need the beach. lol. It's spring here. Have plans for the east coast beach in early autumn. Fingers crossed it all works out.

Thanks for sharing! Have a lovely week. :-)

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

A karoro is a new bird to me. We have a great many sea birds here along the Texas Gulf Coast but not that big fellow.

betty-NZ said...

It's nice to get out and about and the beach is always a great destination :)

Your corner is beautiful this week! Thanks for sharing it at the 'My Corner of the World' link up.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Nice day to visit a beach, be sure there would not be many people around

Veronica Lee said...

When the lockdown is over, the first place I head for will be the beach! Love the photos.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I agree Amy, there's nothing quite as wonderful as a fresh sea breeze. It's the first time I've seen a black backed gull, he does seem like a wee bit of a bully 😉

Lady Fi said...

Looks relaxing.

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...