Sunday, 10 May 2020

Strictly for the bears

While everyone was in level 4 lockdown here there was an idea put out for people to put bears in their windows to entertain children that were going for walks with their parents.  I saw this one, above though when I was out walking last week, although I read a story last week about the person who made this and others I can't find it now (isn't that the way) but this one was on the outside of this gate in the main street of town - certainly different that sitting one in the window.

And then I saw these sitting in the window of a car parts shop in town - I love the book they are reading, it's very apt isn't it? I've had my bear in one of our downstairs windows since we moved here - she is simply named Ted and she is about 45 years old. My nana gave her to me when I was very little, she needs a bit of work done here and there but she's still in good condition.

There is talk here of us possibly going into level 2 tomorrow which means less strict lockdown conditions. More businesses will be able to open and I might possibly have a weekend job in a gardening shop which is better than nothing.

Hope you're staying safe where you are.


Tom said...

...beary nice!

At Home In New Zealand said...

I hope the Bear Family enjoyed their story :)

Susan Heather said...

I love all the bears. Good luck with the job.

Fun60 said...

It's a lovely idea. Many bears have appeared in windows here.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Love that idea, bears everywhere

Graham Edwards said...

Oh dear. I have been trying to remember the story of Goldilocks, I can recall the bit where the three bears return and ask who has been eating their porridge etc but I can't remember the ending. Ah well. Wikipedia here I come.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a sweet idea! Sure glad your lockdown is easing up (and of course very glad that it seemed to have done the job).

NatureFootstep said...

love it, wee need all fun we can get :) And they are sweet.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Loved the teddies, a really sweet idea 🐹 Fingers crossed for the gardening shop job Amy 💜

Rhonda Albom said...

I've enjoyed the bears that have been around. I have also seen a monkey in a tree and a tiger on a sloped roof.

Veges, eggs and crochet

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