Saturday, 18 April 2020

Back to Alert Level 3

Up until yesterday our week had been pretty non-eventful - it's beginning to seem like every other day and once or twice I've really had to think about what day it was.

As of today we have just under 1500 cases, 9 deaths which were elderly people mostly with health issues but over 700 have recovered.  The prime minister is talking about entering Alert level 3 next week which means this:

  • You can go out but stay within your bubble and 2 metres apart from others.
  • Businesses which supply deliveries and those who can work with drive through can open - my 2 worked for McDonalds previously and they are hopefully starting work next week.
  • Mass gatherings remained banned and a limit of 100 people indoors with outdoor events have a limit of 500 people.
  • Non emergency treatment through dentists and doctors due to be explained more.
  • If you can work from home keep that up.
  • Stay local and try not to travel outside your area unless its essential.
  • Some schools will reopen to some but not all students.
  • Low risk activities are fine like surfing or fishing within your local area.

More info here.

One of my friends works from home doing boat repairs and servicing so the other half has booked our boat in for a service. I do think as a country we've done pretty well to come out of this at the level we have but I do think we are going to be in for a tough recession no doubt to come. All we can do is just live day to day and try out best to bounce back.

I hope you're staying safe wherever you are.


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

We are going to start loosening up next month mainly. Big employers are a little resistant. I am still working at home but will retire June 1.

Tom said... best to you and keep up the fight against Covid-19.

Bill said...

We are still restricted to 2km of our house if we want to walk. I know what you mean about not knowing what day it is. Nothing sticks out but the days all running together causing a big blank. :) Stay safe!

Susan Heather said...

I am amazed at how quickly the time has gone and every morning I have to remind myself what day it is.

At Home In New Zealand said...

It will be good to have things loosened up a bit - I'd like to go for a long walk somewhere picturesque, like the Gardens or around the Lake. I'm always forgetting what day it is, so no changes for me on that front!!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I would be happy if we could have meetings for four Amy, I miss my sisters.. don't think it'll be for a while yet in WA. Happy weekend ✨

Sharon said...

I'm so glad you are doing so well with this horrible crisis. I feel like we here in Arizona have not yet reached the peak of it yet.

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...