Thursday, 16 April 2020

MOTAT Trams and Spam

Auckland's MOTAT (Museum of transport and technology) has these lovely trams which have been rescued, renovated and re-used.  Here in NZ they first appeared in Auckland City travelling out through other suburbs through the countryside. The system in the 1930s and 1940s was about 70kms in length and the electric tramway was first privately managed by the British Electric Traction Company in London with the Auckland Borough Councils.  It was lastly taken over by the Auckland City Corporation in 1919 and continued operating until 1956.

After WW2 they were replaced by diesel and trolley buses which saw the trams fall out of favour. The Western Springs Tramway is operated by MOTAT and carries over 200,000 people a year between their 2 museums. They have 23 trams, 12 which are restored and operational which include a steam tram and a double decker from Wellington.  When the other half and I were there last year we took a ride on this one which was actually a thrilling experience and bought back memories of when I was little and my nana taking me here for rides.

The attendants and drivers on these trams are elderly men that look over 60 years old which we thought was a great idea as it would've given helped them feel useful as well as earning a wage. You can read more information about all of the trams here.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Bill said...

The trams are impressive looking. I used to ride the train with my grandmother when I was small. She loved trains, such a lovely memory to have. Glad you have wonderful memories of riding with your nana.

Rhonda Albom said...

Riding these trams is a treat, especially for kids. MOTAT has an amazing crew including the volunteers that restore these trams and keep the whole system running.

Red said...

I've been getting the ridiculous comments. There must be something blogger can do about.

At Home In New Zealand said...

I haven't been to MOTAT for over twenty years so it is overdue for a visit! The trams look like fun.
That spammer you talk of is the reason I have had to enable comment moderation. I was getting one a day (he does different ones that he repeats) but now, thankfully, it is down to one a week. I too wish Blogger would disable them.

local alien said...

Those trams are look very grand. Would be fun to ride on one.

gz said...

Lovely trams!
I haven't had one of the boomer spam posts...they can be reported.

Stevenson Q said...

What beautiful Trams those are! Imagine riding those shiny things while going around the magnificent New Zealand! Would be a beautiful dream for me! Happy Skywatch!

Jim said...

Fantastic tram shots.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Wonderful photos

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Those are some handsome trams. Sure wish we had them back. Supposedly we had them here in Tulsa until the 1950's.
I am newly 65, my son is 21, I hear a lot of stuff about Boomers from him. At work, the young 40's whippersnappers call the first hour that grocerty stores are open for older people, "The Boomer Hour."

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful photos of the trams ~ neat sky ~

Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Sharon said...

It would be fun to ride on one of these. They look great.
Yes, that nasty spammer has been making the rounds. What a sad person he must be.

Graham Edwards said...

I think a lot of us are all getting the boomer comments regardless of who we are or what we blog about. It may well be a spam bot by now.

On the much more interesting subject of trams I was brought up with double decker trams in Liverpool. All electric and no pollution. They'd be very fashionable again now. A few of our cities now have modern trams which are more like trains running through the streets. I would have loved to have been to the MOTAT but I shall enjoy if vicariously via your post. Thanks.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wonderful old trams. They remind me of some I saw in San Francisco. Spam is so annoying. For a while I was getting a lot, but not much now.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I love the old trams Amy I wish they were still running. Yup, we've all had the baby boomer spammer, but fingers crossed nothing for a while ✨

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