Monday, 6 April 2020

Algies Bay Artwork

Last Spring we visited Algies Bay, a beach about 45 minutes south east of Mangawhai just to have a look around. On the toilet block building (which looked like it needed a bit of a do-up) I spotted these murals.

This one on one side shows a couple in their swimming gear watching a fisherman with seagulls next to them.

And this one on the front shows a pied shag, 2 oyster catchers, people fishing and some whales out at sea. After some internet digging I've managed to find out the artist is a local by the name of Leigh McIntyre Lomas. I've been unable to find much information on this person however i did find an article from 2015 which explains that Leigh helped an organization we have here in NZ called IDEA Services (who help people with intellectual disabilities).

Linking up with Monday Murals.


Pauline said...

There are so many places I'm telling myself I must visit "when all this is over". I will have to add Algies to that list - I don't remember those murals! I keep changing my list of where I will go first. Stay safe.

At Home In New Zealand said...

Murals like that certainly brighten up an otherwise mundane building. They put a smile on the face :)

Iris Flavia said...

Those are really very cute ones! Love that couple!

Bertiebo said...

That's so sweet, that couple in their swimming gear. I love this mural!

gz said...

Lovely..why should a toilet block be a grey uninteresting lump?!
If you are ever down in Kaitaia, have a look at the toilets by the beach and playground. Have a meal at the village stores as well if course!!

local alien said...

Lovely bright murals. Well done NZ, again

Susan Heather said...

I love the couple in their togs looking out to sea.

biebkriebels said...

Funny one, the models for the painting are visible as well!

Sami said...

Such cute murals. I specially like the one of the older couple and the seagulls. Thanks for participating Amy.

Taken For Granted said...

Fine seaside murals. Nicely done.

Bill said...

Beautiful murals.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh I love this Amy, such fun, playful riverside scenes ⛵

gz said...

Karitane is the village, sorry!

Veges, eggs and crochet

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