Thursday, 2 April 2020

Back home and bored

We are still under lockdown and at the end of the 1st of 4 weeks we now are up to 797 as of today with the number climbing daily. But the important thing for us is that we are back home and settled in - we have done all of the unpacking. I was expecting to have my old job back but they are mucking me around so I have been applying other places instead and up here I have more of a chance in finding work. It has been boring being at home every day so we are looking forward to getting out for a fish again.

I did read something cool this morning. On one of our local Facebook pages I saw some local high school students crocheted some blankets which were donated to a womens refuge centre, hopefully they will be well used and appreciated. 

Our clocks are changing this weekend as we go into Autumn and I am excited about cooking some soup in my crock pot and making some fresh bread to go with it. I have also heard that alot of supermarkets seem to have run out of flour so I read today that apparently you can substitute it with things like breadcrumbs, oats or chickpeas - all of which are staples in my pantry. Hope your week has been good.

Linking up with Skywatch Friday.


Susan Heather said...

A pity about being mucked around by the supermarket. Hope you get something you enjoy. I will be pleased when daylight savings ends - I don't like these dark mornings.

Fun60 said...

I am on day 17 of the lockdown with no end in sight. News a couple of days ago that it might have to continue for months not weeks sent me on a downwards spiral. Not being in my own home makes it all the more difficult. Good luck with the job hunting.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes flour is a problem in the supermarkets here as well though we are managng at the moment.We are into week two of three but I think it will go on a couple of weeks longer

Tom said...

...Amy, hang in there, take care and stay well.

Sharon said...

I am on my third week of lock down here and like most people don't see an end in sight. Enjoy your fishing and your cooking!

Bill said...

I've been reading books for the last three weeks and going out for a walk about once a week. Good luck with the job search. Take care and stay safe.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

enjoy your fall soup - I'm loving spring here

eileeninmd said...

Hello, The fresh fish will be a great meal. Good luck with the job search! The soup and homemade bread sound delicious. Take care! Wishing you a happy day!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Fishing looks like a great way pass the time. But you're right, things can get pretty boring!

Pauline said...

Soup weather is getting closer and after reading how everyone seems to be baking (hence the flour shortage) I decided to get in the kitchen and made a big pot during the week. It's cool enough now to enjoy for lunch. Good luck with the new job hunt. Stay well.

Lady Fi said...

Spring is here with storms and snow! Good luck job hunting.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Happy to hear that you are all settled back Amy, fingers crossed for that job. I thought all the panic buying at calmed down a bit, you'll have to let us know how the chickpea bread turns out :)

Graham Edwards said...

Chickpea flour (gram flour) isn't really good for bread. You'd have to mix it 50:50 at least I would think. It's probably harder to get hold of than ordinary flour at the moment anyway.

I hope you manage to get a suitable job. In these days with so many people out of work here it's hard.

Good luck with getting out to the fishing.

Light and Voices said...

We are approaching Spring here. Soup plus bread does sound delicious. Enjoy making it. I hope you find work soon. My husband, John and I both like fishing a lot too. Be safe.

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...