Sunday, 1 March 2020

We have a property!

We heard yesterday that we have finally scored a property so we should be moving by the end of March - it's a big relief and we are looking forward to starting again.  Here's a piece of Kerikeri's what remains of the old hydro-electric station which began to produce power to 17 customers on 11 July 1930 and it is stuck in the middle of the Rainbow Falls river walk.

A Mr George Alderton with a land developer and some of his customers were British civil servants that were wanting to settle in town. Alot of them were use to having a privileged life along with servants and maids etc, the wives were not impressed at having to do the manual work themselves which is why having electricity would be essential.  George set up his company so the settler's wives would be happy and want to buy the land.

He then employed Lloyd Mandeno to investigate the potential of a hydro station on the Kerikeri River. He said that it should supply at least 300 horsepower but because of low seasonal flooding the water should be diverted from the Puketotara River.

At the end of 1929 George Alderton's company began constructing the dam as well as the open water race for water diverted from the 2 rivers and in 1930 the power was turned on.  The surviving machinery of the powerhouse has been restored (above) and placed where it originally was so visitors can walk along the track and see inside.


Sharon said...

An interesting slice of history. That top photo is gorgeous! I love the light filtering through the trees.

At Home In New Zealand said...

So very happy for you, Amy, that you have found a place. Now you can begin getting things organised and headed towards a more stable life.
When one looks around, there were a lot of these little hydro stations around the place before the big power stations took over. Nice to see this little bit of history being kept alive.

gz said...

Congrats on the house..
It would be interesting to know how long the hydro station produced power

local alien said...

Very good news about the house!

Graham Edwards said...

I always thing it slightly strange that I am commenting on a 1st March post on the 29th February. When I used to live in New Zealand for 6 months of the year I was forever trying to get my head around two things: being ahead/behind by approximately 12 hours and the fact that the sun was in the north at midday for half the year and in the south for the other half.

I'm very glad that you've found somewhere to live.

Bill said...

Congrats on securing a house. It must be a huge relief for you and your family.mmmmm

William Kendall said...

Good for you!

Susan Heather said...

Great news about the house. We must do that walk next time we are in Kerikeri. Only did a small part of it last time when we were on the Kawakawa balm course.

Rhonda Albom said...

Great news on the property. I love little oddities like this generator placed in an out of the way area to service 17 customers.

Serenata said...

Whenever I visit Keri Keri, which is usually yearly, but won't be this year, I always go on the walk that goes past this pump. Love the history of the place.

Exciting news about your move, and I hope all goes well for you, and that you don't end up with Cowboy Moves like we did! No wonder my Dad used to move us himself whenever we moved house in NZ. Wish we'd moved ourselves here - it might have taken a lot longer, but nothing would have been damaged.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Glad you have a place! Yay. Interesting pictures and history. I wouldn’t have been thrilled to do all that work without electricity either!

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...