Monday, 24 February 2020

Graffiti in Topuni

I had a bit of cabin fever on Saturday so I drove around Topuni which is mostly a forestry area with lots of trucks that go in and out of side roads loaded with timber.

I've driven past this bridge/railway line next to the main highway numerous times and each time it seems to have new graffiti added to it. I have no idea what any of it says but it seems to catch my eye.

Not sure if you could class it as a mural but I'm adding it this week to Mural Monday and Our World Tuesday.


local alien said...

Well, it's bright anyway

Graham Edwards said...

I'm never quite sure where art starts and graffiti ends or vice versa.

William Kendall said...

I don't understand why people tag things.

Fun60 said...

Stops you driving into the bridge I suppose.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I know what you mean by “a bit of cabin fever” ... some days it hits me out of nowhere and I just have to get out and go somewhere. Other times, I’m happy to stay in the house ( or on the screen porch) all day, just reading and blogging and not doing much of anything.

gz said...

Possibly just a signature...tagging

Rhonda Albom said...

Hmm, looks mostly like tagging to me but it is colourful.

Mae Travels said...

My view is that murals are painted in places where the owners of the walls want them to be painted. Graffiti are painted without anyone's permission (unfortunately, often painted over other people's murals). But not everyone agrees with me.

Your photo is interesting -- nice way to get out and about.

best... mae at

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

lots of paint for sure

Photo Cache said...

Looks like a mysterious place. Or I've been watching too many horror movies :)

Worth a Thousand Word

Sami said...

It's colorful :) Thanks for contributing Aimz.

Sharon said...

It looks like several people have left their mark here.

Lady Fi said...

It looks almost Japanese...

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...