Friday, 24 January 2020

The book of secrets

I photographed these large Scottish Thistle flowers in Waipu recently - considering this town was originally founded by immigrants from Scotland it's quite fitting that these are growing in the center of town.

I've been putting down my laptop this week and trying to make an effort to get back into book reading. One I'm about halfway through is called "The Book of Secrets" by Fiona Kidman which is about this very subject, the first settlers to this area and how they came to be here.

"In 1854 a group of settlers, led by preacher Norman McLeod established a community in Waipu in the northern part of New Zealand. The community had followed him from Scotland in 1817 to found a settlement in Nova Scotia, then to Australia and finally to New Zealand. It is the story of 3 women entangled in the migrations".

Have you read anything worth sharing this week?


Graham Edwards said...

No I haven't read anything of interest this week. The history behind the book you've mentioned interests me but I suspect that it may have relatively little of the history and a lot more about the personal lives of the three women.

gz said...

Sounds like a book I should read.. friends in Whangarei have that history in their family too and a street is named after them

Susan Heather said...

Sounds interesting - I have just requested it at Whangarei Library

At Home In New Zealand said...

That thistle is definitely appropriate! Presumably it has been planted there, as I think it is a wonder someone hasn't been enthusiastic and removed it as a weed :)

William Kendall said...

Pretty flowers!

I'm re-reading Michael Palin's book on the Erebus and Terror at the moment.

DawnTreader said...

Lovely thistle photos. I've had kind of a busy week and not reading anything really special at the moment (more like a bit here and there)...

Sharon said...

I'm waiting for a book to arrive in the mail but, I've read quite lot in the New York Times this past week. All kinds of interesting stories and investigative reports.

Bill said...

I just finished reading the Stieg Larsson series of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Three more came out by an author that continued his series after he died. I only have the last one to read then I'm done. That book is waiting for me at the library to be picked up. I enjoyed reading the series but originally was skeptical about it.

Amy said...

I haven't read the books Bill but I have seen the movies which are very impressive.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That sounds familiar Amy, must check it out, I only have seven books at the side of my bed to read, one more will bring it to even numbers 😉 beautiful first image 💜

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I’m reading “Death Comes to Pemberley” an historical novel/mystery by PD James, that creates a follow-up to the Jane Austin “Pride and Prejudice”. So combining two of my most favorite authors ever. I read a lot (but I’m retired and work doesn’t get in my way). Mostly on my Kindle these days ... I even check out library books onto it.

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...