Sunday, 26 January 2020

Mokofusion Tattoo Studio

During our last trip to Whangarei while my daughter was busy with her appointment I took my camera and went walkies. A couple of streets away I spotted this painted mural on the side of a tattoo studio, I can only work out a portion of the words which say "Barbers and Tattoos".

This particular studio, Mokofusion Tattoo and Barbers is located in Walton Street and seems to have no particular style they specialise in. I really like this one. I have 3 tattoos on my body that were very carefully thought out before I got them. The first one on the back of my neck is mostly coloured orange and is 2 koi fish swimming in the opposite direction because of my star sign, the second one I got was on my upper chest, a small one of an Irish 4 leaf clover in honour of my Irish ancestry. The third one I got was on my right arm of a mermaid, I plan to get the whole arm coloured in different types of ocean creatures as I really love the sea but this takes money that I don't have.

Linking up this week with Monday Murals and Our World Tuesday.

btw I have some more news for you...


Graham Edwards said...

It's an age thing. I grew up in a seaport where the only people with tattoos were seamen (who were also the only men who wore a single gold ring in their ear). Obviously living in New Zealand I got used to tattoos everywhere and now it's pretty much the same in the UK. One of the nurses in my practice (a lady of very generous proportions) is covered (she tells me almost totally but I've taken her word for that) in tattoos. Somehow I think when she gets to my age she may not look quite as attractive.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love the idea of a four leaf clover Amy, would love to see a pic of your mermaid 💙

Sharon said...

I've seen a couple of tattoo places here that have similar murals on the buildings. I love the colors in this one.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This is a fabulous mural. Really colorful pinks and lavenders. I've never had a tattoo, but I've seen some that are gorgeous.

William Kendall said...

Quite appropriate for a tattoo joint.

NatureFootstep said...

lol, I hope their tatoos look better then the mural :)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

That's a cool find.

Sami said...

I find that some murals with letters are quite difficult to decipher. I'm a pisces too, but I have no tattoos, too scared of needles.
Thanks for participating Amy and have a lovely week.

Iris Flavia said...

Tattoos have to have a meaning, I agree. Last week I got a corset and had to get rid off my winter clothes. The lady exclaimed, "ohhh, what a sweety" when she saw my Emu-baby and loved the story behind it, too :-)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

No strong opinion on tattoos either way here. Your last sentence is a teaser! I’ll stay tuned ))).

Tanya Breese said...

Looks cool! Love the colors they used!

Photo Cache said...

I thought this is pretty cool.

Worth a Thousand Words

Powell River Books said...

To celebrate my retirement I got a tattoo. It was like a life passage event for me. - Margy

Veges, eggs and crochet

  Mornings are slowly starting to get darker here and nights are getting a bit nippy. I was asked by a friend if I could make a crochet knee...